Microchip® Advanced Software Framework

security.c File Reference
#include "at_ble_api.h"
#include "platform.h"
#include "gattc_task.h"
#include "gattm_task.h"
#include "gapm_task.h"
#include "gapc_task.h"
#include "dbg_task.h"
#include "device.h"


at_ble_status_t at_ble_authenticate (at_ble_handle_t conn_handle, at_ble_pair_features_t *features, at_ble_LTK_t *ltk, at_ble_CSRK_t *csrk)
 Starts Pairing procedure for a given connection. More...
at_ble_status_t at_ble_encryption_request_reply (at_ble_handle_t conn_handle, at_ble_auth_t auth, bool key_found, at_ble_LTK_t *key)
 Responds to encryption start request from master device AT_BLE_ENCRYPTION_REQUEST , once encryption starts AT_BLE_ENCRYPTION_STATUS_CHANGED event is delivered. More...
at_ble_status_t at_ble_encryption_start (at_ble_handle_t conn_handle, at_ble_LTK_t *key, at_ble_auth_t auth)
 Starts encryption, once encryption starts AT_BLE_ENCRYPTION_STATUS_CHANGED event is delivered. More...
at_ble_status_t at_ble_pair_key_reply (at_ble_handle_t conn_handle, at_ble_pair_key_type_t type, uint8_t *key)
 Provides a passkey or OOB data that was requested via AT_BLE_PAIR_KEY_REQUEST event, If key type is AT_BLE_PAIR_PASSKEY, then a 6-byte ASCII string (digit 0..9 only). More...
at_ble_status_t at_ble_send_slave_sec_request (at_ble_handle_t conn_handle, bool mitm_protection, bool bond)
 Send slave security request to master. More...