Jumper setup on SAM4L_EK :
- Connect PA06 and usb (VBus detect)
- Connect PB05 and usb (ID detect)
- Connect PC07 and usb (VBus error detect)
- Connect PC08 and usb (VBus control)
Human interface on SAM4L_EK :
- Led 0 is on when it's host and there is no device connected
- Led 0 blinks when a device is enumerated and HID or MSC interface enabled
- The blink is slow (1s) with low speed device
- The blink is normal (0.5s) with full speed device
- The blink is fast (0.25s) with high speed device
- Led 0 is on when a read or write access is on going
- The mouse on board monitor display moves when the mouse move
- LED backlight is on when a LUN test is success
- LED backlight blinks when a LUN test is unsuccess
- Button PB0 allows to enter the device in suspend mode with remote wakeup feature authorized
- Only PB0 button can be used to wakeup USB device in suspend mode