Microchip® Advanced Software Framework

HID mouse in a composite device

A USB Composite Device is a USB Device which uses more than one USB class.

In this use case, the "USB HID Mouse (Composite Device)" module is used to create a USB composite device. Thus, this USB module can be associated with another "Composite Device" module, like "USB MSC (Composite Device)".

Also, you can refer to application note AVR4902 ASF - USB Composite Device.

Setup steps

For the setup code of this use case to work, the basic use case must be followed.

Usage steps

Example code

Content of conf_usb.h:

#define USB_DEVICE_MAX_EP (X+1)
udi_hid_mouse_desc_t udi_hid_mouse; \
.udi_hid_mouse = UDI_HID_MOUSE_DESC, \
.udi_hid_mouse = UDI_HID_MOUSE_DESC, \
&udi_api_hid_mouse, \


  1. Ensure that conf_usb.h is available and contains the following parameters required for a USB composite device configuration:
    • // Endpoint control size, This must be:
      // - 8 for low speed
      // - 8, 16, 32 or 64 for full speed device (8 is recommended to save RAM)
      // - 64 for a high speed device
      #define USB_DEVICE_EP_CTRL_SIZE 64
      // Total Number of interfaces on this USB device.
      // Add 1 for HID mouse.
      #define USB_DEVICE_NB_INTERFACE (X+1)
      // Total number of endpoints on this USB device.
      // This must include each endpoint for each interface.
      // Add 1 for HID mouse.
      #define USB_DEVICE_MAX_EP (X+1)
  2. Ensure that conf_usb.h contains the description of composite device:
    • // The endpoint number chosen by you for the mouse.
      // The endpoint number starting from 1.
      #define UDI_HID_MOUSE_EP_IN (X | USB_EP_DIR_IN)
      // The interface index of an interface starting from 0
  3. Ensure that conf_usb.h contains the following parameters required for a USB composite device configuration:
    • // USB Interfaces descriptor structure
      #define UDI_COMPOSITE_DESC_T \
      udi_hid_mouse_desc_t udi_hid_mouse; \
      // USB Interfaces descriptor value for Full Speed
      #define UDI_COMPOSITE_DESC_FS \
      .udi_hid_mouse = UDI_HID_MOUSE_DESC, \
      // USB Interfaces descriptor value for High Speed
      #define UDI_COMPOSITE_DESC_HS \
      .udi_hid_mouse = UDI_HID_MOUSE_DESC, \
      // USB Interface APIs
      #define UDI_COMPOSITE_API \
    • Note
      The descriptors order given in the four lists above must be the same as the order defined by all interface indexes. The interface index orders are defined through UDI_X_IFACE_NUMBER defines.