Microchip® Advanced Software Framework

touch_api_SAMD.h File Reference

This file contains the SAMD QTouch Library API for Capacitive Touch acquisition using the PTC module.

Copyright (c) 2014-2018 Microchip Technology Inc. and its subsidiaries.

#include "compiler.h"
#include "touch_config_samd.h"

Data Structures

struct  tag_sensor_t
struct  tag_touch_config_t
struct  tag_touch_filter_data_t
struct  tag_touch_global_param_t
struct  tag_touch_info_t
struct  tag_touch_measure_data_t
struct  tag_touch_mutlcap_acq_param_t
 Mutual capacitance sensor acquisition parameter type. More...
struct  tag_touch_mutlcap_config_t
struct  tag_touch_mutlcap_param_t
struct  tag_touch_selfcap_acq_param_t
 Self capacitance sensor acquisition parameter type. More...
struct  tag_touch_selfcap_config_t
struct  tag_touch_selfcap_param_t
struct  tag_touch_time_t


Touch Helper API.
touch_ret_t touch_sensors_init (void)
 This API is used to initialize and configure the Touch Library. More...
touch_ret_t touch_sensors_measure (void)
 This API is used to perform a Single Capacitance measurement using the Touch Library. More...
void touch_sensors_update_time (void)
 This API is used to update Timing info for Touch Library. Typical usage of this API is inside a periodic timer ISR. More...
Touch Library internal use functions.
void touch_mutlcap_rs_table_init (void)
 This is an extern function of the Touch Library. This function is NOT to be used by the user. More...
void touch_selfcap_rs_table_init (void)

Touch Library Acquisition Status bitfields.

#define TOUCH_NO_ACTIVITY   (0x0000u) /* !< No Touch activity. */
#define X(n)   (uint16_t)(1u << n)
 Calculate X line bit position. More...
#define Y(n)   (uint16_t)(1u << n)
 Calculate Y line bit position. More...
#define TOUCH_MAX_POS_HYST   (7u)
 Max position hysteresis allowed. More...
 QTouch number of channels. More...
 Size of Touch Sensor. More...
 Size of Touch Channel. More...
#define PRIV_SELFCAP_SIZE_RS   (13u)
 Size of Touch Rotor Slider. More...
 Size of Touch Pad bytes. More...
#define PRIV_BYTES_IN_UINT64   (8u)
 Touch Data block size. More...
#define PRIV_SELFCAP_RS_TABLE_INIT   touch_selfcap_rs_table_init
 Initialize rotor slider table. More...
enum  tag_gain_t {
enum  tag_filter_level_t {
enum  tag_auto_os_t {
enum  tag_touch_ret_t {
enum  tag_channel_t {
enum  tag_touch_lib_state_t {
enum  tag_sensor_type_t {
enum  tag_touch_acq_mode_t {
enum  tag_auto_tune_type_t {
enum  tag_freq_mode_sel_t {
 PTC frequency mode setting. More...
enum  tag_prsc_div_sel_t {
 PTC clock prescale setting. More...
enum  tag_rsel_val_t {
 PTC series resistor setting. More...
enum  tag_freq_hop_sel_t {
 PTC acquisition frequency delay setting. More...
enum  tag_aks_group_t {
 Which AKS group, if any, a sensor is in. More...
enum  tag_hysteresis_t {
 A sensor detection hysteresis value. More...
enum  tag_recal_threshold_t {
 A sensor recalibration threshold. More...
enum  tag_resolution_t {
 For rotors and sliders, the resolution of the reported angle or position. More...
typedef uint8_t threshold_t
typedef uint8_t sensor_id_t
typedef uint16_t touch_current_time_t
typedef int16_t touch_delta_t
typedef uint16_t touch_acq_status_t
typedef enum tag_gain_t gain_t
typedef enum tag_filter_level_t filter_level_t
typedef enum tag_auto_os_t auto_os_t
typedef enum tag_touch_ret_t touch_ret_t
typedef enum tag_channel_t channel_t
typedef enum tag_touch_lib_state_t touch_lib_state_t
typedef enum tag_sensor_type_t sensor_type_t
typedef enum tag_touch_acq_mode_t touch_acq_mode_t
typedef enum tag_auto_tune_type_t auto_tune_type_t
typedef enum tag_freq_mode_sel_t freq_mode_sel_t
 PTC frequency mode setting. More...
typedef enum tag_prsc_div_sel_t prsc_div_sel_t
 PTC clock prescale setting. More...
typedef enum tag_rsel_val_t rsel_val_t
 PTC series resistor setting. More...
typedef enum tag_freq_hop_sel_t freq_hop_sel_t
 PTC acquisition frequency delay setting. More...
typedef enum tag_aks_group_t aks_group_t
 Which AKS group, if any, a sensor is in. More...
typedef enum tag_hysteresis_t hysteresis_t
 A sensor detection hysteresis value. More...
typedef enum tag_recal_threshold_t recal_threshold_t
 A sensor recalibration threshold. More...
typedef enum tag_resolution_t resolution_t
 For rotors and sliders, the resolution of the reported angle or position. More...
typedef struct tag_touch_time_t touch_time_t
typedef struct tag_sensor_t sensor_t
typedef struct
typedef struct
typedef struct
typedef struct
typedef struct
typedef struct
 Mutual capacitance sensor acquisition parameter type. More...
typedef struct
 Self capacitance sensor acquisition parameter type. More...
typedef struct
typedef struct
typedef struct tag_touch_config_t touch_config_t
typedef struct tag_touch_info_t touch_info_t
touch_time_t touch_time
 Self Cap sensors measured data pointer. More...
 Mutual Cap sensors measured data pointer. More...

Touch API.

#define touch_mutlcap_sensors_init(y)
 touch_ret_t touch_mutlcap_sensors_init( touch_config_t *p_touch_config); More...
#define touch_selfcap_sensors_init(y)
 touch_ret_t touch_selfcap_sensors_init( touch_config_t *p_touch_config); More...
touch_ret_t touch_mutlcap_sensors_init_with_rs_table (touch_config_t *p_touch_config, void(*rs_table_init)(void))
 This API is used to initialize the Touch Library with Mutual cap method pin, register and sensor configuration provided by the user. More...
touch_ret_t touch_selfcap_sensors_init_with_rs_table (touch_config_t *p_touch_config, void(*rs_table_init)(void))
 This API is used to initialize the Touch Library with Self cap method pin, register and sensor configuration provided by the user. More...
touch_ret_t touch_mutlcap_sensor_config (sensor_type_t sensor_type, channel_t from_channel, channel_t to_channel, aks_group_t aks_group, threshold_t detect_threshold, hysteresis_t detect_hysteresis, resolution_t position_resolution, uint8_t position_hysteresis, sensor_id_t *p_sensor_id)
 This API can be used to configure a sensor of type key, rotor or slider. More...
touch_ret_t touch_selfcap_sensor_config (sensor_type_t sensor_type, channel_t from_channel, channel_t to_channel, aks_group_t aks_group, threshold_t detect_threshold, hysteresis_t detect_hysteresis, resolution_t position_resolution, sensor_id_t *p_sensor_id)
touch_ret_t touch_mutlcap_sensors_calibrate (auto_tune_type_t)
 This API is used to calibrate the sensors for the first time before starting a Touch measurement. This API can also be used to force calibration of sensors when any of the Touch sensor parameters are changed during runtime. More...
touch_ret_t touch_selfcap_sensors_calibrate (auto_tune_type_t)
touch_ret_t touch_selfcap_sensors_measure (touch_current_time_t current_time_ms, touch_acq_mode_t selfcap_acq_mode, void(*measure_complete_callback)(void))
 This API can be used to start a Touch measurement. More...
touch_ret_t touch_mutlcap_sensors_measure (touch_current_time_t current_time_ms, touch_acq_mode_t mutlcap_acq_mode, void(*measure_complete_callback)(void))
touch_ret_t touch_mutlcap_sensor_get_delta (sensor_id_t sensor_id, touch_delta_t *p_delta)
 This API can be used retrieve the delta value corresponding to a given sensor. More...
touch_ret_t touch_selfcap_sensor_get_delta (sensor_id_t sensor_id, touch_delta_t *p_delta)
touch_ret_t touch_mutlcap_sensor_update_config (sensor_id_t sensor_id, touch_mutlcap_param_t *p_touch_sensor_param)
 This API can be used to set the sensor configuration parameters. More...
touch_ret_t touch_selfcap_sensor_update_config (sensor_id_t sensor_id, touch_selfcap_param_t *p_touch_sensor_param)
touch_ret_t touch_mutlcap_sensor_get_config (sensor_id_t sensor_id, touch_mutlcap_param_t *p_touch_sensor_param)
 This API can be used to read back the sensor configuration parameters. More...
touch_ret_t touch_selfcap_sensor_get_config (sensor_id_t sensor_id, touch_selfcap_param_t *p_touch_sensor_param)
touch_ret_t touch_mutlcap_sensor_update_acq_config (touch_mutlcap_acq_param_t *p_touch_mutlcap_acq_param)
 This API can be used to set the sensor configuration parameters. More...
touch_ret_t touch_selfcap_sensor_update_acq_config (touch_selfcap_acq_param_t *p_touch_selfcap_acq_param)
touch_ret_t touch_mutlcap_sensor_get_acq_config (touch_mutlcap_acq_param_t *p_touch_mutlcap_acq_param)
 This API can be used to read back the sensor configuration parameters. More...
touch_ret_t touch_selfcap_sensor_get_acq_config (touch_selfcap_acq_param_t *p_touch_selfcap_acq_param)
touch_ret_t touch_mutlcap_update_global_param (touch_global_param_t *p_global_param)
 This API can be used to update the global parameter. More...
touch_ret_t touch_selfcap_update_global_param (touch_global_param_t *p_global_param)
touch_ret_t touch_mutlcap_get_global_param (touch_global_param_t *p_global_param)
 This API can be used to read back the global parameter. More...
touch_ret_t touch_selfcap_get_global_param (touch_global_param_t *p_global_param)
touch_ret_t touch_mutlcap_sensor_disable (sensor_id_t sensor_id)
 This API can be used to disable any sensor. More...
touch_ret_t touch_selfcap_sensor_disable (sensor_id_t sensor_id)
touch_ret_t touch_mutlcap_sensor_reenable (sensor_id_t sensor_id)
 This API can be used to reenable a disabled sensor. More...
touch_ret_t touch_selfcap_sensor_reenable (sensor_id_t sensor_id)
touch_ret_t touch_mutlcap_get_libinfo (touch_info_t *p_touch_info)
 This API can be used to get the Touch Library configuration. More...
touch_ret_t touch_selfcap_get_libinfo (touch_info_t *p_touch_info)