Embedded Flash service for SAM.
Copyright (c) 2011-2018 Microchip Technology Inc. and its subsidiaries.
static void | compute_address (Efc *p_efc, uint16_t us_page, uint16_t us_offset, uint32_t *pul_addr) |
| Compute the address of a flash by the given page and offset. More...
static void | compute_lock_range (uint32_t ul_start, uint32_t ul_end, uint32_t *pul_actual_start, uint32_t *pul_actual_end) |
| Compute the lock range associated with the given address range. More...
uint32_t | flash_clear_gpnvm (uint32_t ul_gpnvm) |
| Clear the given GPNVM bit. More...
uint32_t | flash_enable_security_bit (void) |
| Set security bit. More...
uint32_t | flash_erase_all (uint32_t ul_address) |
| Erase the entire flash. More...
uint32_t | flash_get_descriptor (uint32_t ul_address, uint32_t *pul_flash_descriptor, uint32_t ul_size) |
| Get flash descriptor. More...
uint32_t | flash_get_page_count (const uint32_t *pul_flash_descriptor) |
| Get flash total page count for the specified bank. More...
uint32_t | flash_get_page_count_per_region (const uint32_t *pul_flash_descriptor) |
| Get flash page count per region (plane) for the specified bank. More...
uint32_t | flash_get_region_count (const uint32_t *pul_flash_descriptor) |
| Get flash region (plane) count for the specified bank. More...
uint32_t | flash_get_wait_state (uint32_t ul_address) |
| Get flash wait state. More...
uint32_t | flash_init (uint32_t ul_mode, uint32_t ul_fws) |
| Initialize the flash service. More...
uint32_t | flash_is_gpnvm_set (uint32_t ul_gpnvm) |
| Check if the given GPNVM bit is set or not. More...
uint32_t | flash_is_locked (uint32_t ul_start, uint32_t ul_end) |
| Get the number of locked regions inside the given address range. More...
uint32_t | flash_is_security_bit_enabled (void) |
| Check if the security bit is set or not. More...
uint32_t | flash_lock (uint32_t ul_start, uint32_t ul_end, uint32_t *pul_actual_start, uint32_t *pul_actual_end) |
| Lock all the regions in the given address range. More...
uint32_t | flash_read_unique_id (uint32_t *pul_data, uint32_t ul_size) |
| Read the flash unique ID. More...
uint32_t | flash_set_gpnvm (uint32_t ul_gpnvm) |
| Set the given GPNVM bit. More...
uint32_t | flash_set_wait_state (uint32_t ul_address, uint32_t ul_fws) |
| Set flash wait state. More...
uint32_t | flash_set_wait_state_adaptively (uint32_t ul_address) |
| Set flash wait state. More...
uint32_t | flash_unlock (uint32_t ul_start, uint32_t ul_end, uint32_t *pul_actual_start, uint32_t *pul_actual_end) |
| Unlock all the regions in the given address range. More...
uint32_t | flash_write (uint32_t ul_address, const void *p_buffer, uint32_t ul_size, uint32_t ul_erase_flag) |
| Write a data buffer on flash. More...
static void | translate_address (Efc **pp_efc, uint32_t ul_addr, uint16_t *pus_page, uint16_t *pus_offset) |
| Translate the given flash address to page and offset values. More...