Microchip® Advanced Software Framework

board.h File Reference

Standard board header file.

This file includes the appropriate board header file according to the defined board (parameter BOARD).

Copyright (c) 2009-2020 Microchip Technology Inc. and its subsidiaries.

#include "compiler.h"
#include "user_board.h"


Base Boards
#define EVK1100   1
 AT32UC3A EVK1100 board. More...
#define EVK1101   2
 AT32UC3B EVK1101 board. More...
#define UC3C_EK   3
 AT32UC3C UC3C-EK board. More...
#define EVK1104   4
 AT32UC3A3 EVK1104 board. More...
#define EVK1105   5
 AT32UC3A EVK1105 board. More...
#define STK600_RCUC3L0   6
 STK600 RCUC3L0 board. More...
#define UC3L_EK   7
 AT32UC3L-EK board. More...
#define XPLAIN   8
 ATxmega128A1 Xplain board. More...
#define STK600_RC064X   10
 ATxmega256A3 STK600 board. More...
#define STK600_RC100X   11
 ATxmega128A1 STK600 board. More...
#define UC3_A3_XPLAINED   13
 ATUC3A3 UC3-A3 Xplained board. More...
#define UC3_L0_XPLAINED   15
 ATUC3L0 UC3-L0 Xplained board. More...
#define STK600_RCUC3D   16
 STK600 RCUC3D board. More...
#define STK600_RCUC3C0   17
 STK600 RCUC3C board. More...
#define XMEGA_B1_XPLAINED   18
 ATxmega128B1 Xplained board. More...
#define XMEGA_A1_XPLAINED   19
 ATxmega128A1 Xplain-A1 board. More...
 ATxmega128A1U XMEGA-A1U Xplained Pro board. More...
#define STK600_RCUC3L4   21
 ATUCL4 STK600 board. More...
#define UC3_L0_XPLAINED_BC   22
 ATUC3L0 UC3-L0 Xplained board controller board. More...
#define MEGA1284P_XPLAINED_BC   23
 ATmega1284P-Xplained board controller board. More...
#define STK600_RC044X   24
 STK600 with RC044X routing card board. More...
#define STK600_RCUC3B0   25
 STK600 RCUC3B0 board. More...
#define UC3_L0_QT600   26
 QT600 UC3L0 MCU board. More...
#define XMEGA_A3BU_XPLAINED   27
 ATxmega256A3BU Xplained board. More...
#define STK600_RC064X_LCDX   28
 XMEGAB3 STK600 RC064X LCDX board. More...
#define STK600_RC100X_LCDX   29
 XMEGAB1 STK600 RC100X LCDX board. More...
 AT32UC3B1 board controller for Atmel boards. More...
#define RZ600   31
 AT32UC3A RZ600 MCU board. More...
#define SAM3S_EK   32
 SAM3S-EK board. More...
#define SAM3U_EK   33
 SAM3U-EK board. More...
#define SAM3X_EK   34
 SAM3X-EK board. More...
#define SAM3N_EK   35
 SAM3N-EK board. More...
#define SAM3S_EK2   36
 SAM3S-EK2 board. More...
#define SAM4S_EK   37
 SAM4S-EK board. More...
#define STK600_RCUC3A0   38
 STK600 RCUC3A0 board. More...
#define STK600_MEGA   39
 STK600 MEGA board. More...
#define MEGA_1284P_XPLAINED   40
 ATmega1284P Xplained board. More...
#define SAM4S_XPLAINED   41
 SAM4S Xplained board. More...
#define ATXMEGA128A1_QT600   42
 QT600 ATXMEGA128A1 MCU board. More...
#define ARDUINO_DUE_X   43
 Arduino Due/X board. More...
#define STK600_RCUC3L3   44
 ATUCL3 STK600 board. More...
#define SAM4L_EK   45
 SAM4L-EK board. More...
#define STK600_MEGA_RF   46
 STK600 MEGA RF EVK board. More...
#define XMEGA_C3_XPLAINED   47
 ATxmega384C3 Xplained board. More...
#define STK600_RC032X   48
 STK600 with RC032X routing card board. More...
#define SAM4S_EK2   49
 SAM4S-EK2 board. More...
#define XMEGA_E5_XPLAINED   50
 ATxmega32E5 Xplained board. More...
#define SAM4E_EK   51
 SAM4E-EK board. More...
 ATmega256RFR2 Xplained Pro board. More...
#define SAM4S_XPLAINED_PRO   53
 SAM4S Xplained Pro board. More...
#define SAM4L_XPLAINED_PRO   54
 SAM4L Xplained Pro board. More...
#define ATMEGA256RFR2_ZIGBIT   55
 ATmega256RFR2 zigbit. More...
#define XMEGA_RF233_ZIGBIT   56
 ATxmega256A3U with AT86RF233 Zigbit. More...
#define XMEGA_RF212B_ZIGBIT   57
 ATxmega256A3U with AT86RF212B Zigbit. More...
#define SAM4S_WPIR_RD   58
 SAM4S-WPIR-RD board. More...
#define SAMD20_XPLAINED_PRO   59
 SAM D20 Xplained Pro board. More...
#define SAM4L8_XPLAINED_PRO   60
 SAM4L8 Xplained Pro board. More...
#define SAM4N_XPLAINED_PRO   61
 SAM4N Xplained Pro board. More...
#define XMEGA_A3_REB_CBB   62
 XMEGA REB Controller Base board. More...
#define ATMEGARFX_RCB   63
 RFR2 & RFA1 RCB. More...
#define SAM4C_EK   64
 SAM4C-EK board. More...
#define RCB256RFR2_XPRO   65
 RFR2 RCB Xplained Pro board. More...
#define SAMG53_XPLAINED_PRO   66
 SAMG53 Xplained Pro board. More...
#define SAM4CP16BMB   67
 SAM4CP16BMB board. More...
#define SAM4E_XPLAINED_PRO   68
 SAM4E Xplained Pro board. More...
#define SAMD21_XPLAINED_PRO   69
 SAM D21 Xplained Pro board. More...
#define SAMR21_XPLAINED_PRO   70
 SAM R21 Xplained Pro board. More...
#define SAM4CMP_DB   71
 SAM4CMP demo board. More...
#define SAM4CMS_DB   72
 SAM4CMS demo board. More...
#define ATPL230AMB   73
 ATPL230AMB board. More...
#define SAMD11_XPLAINED_PRO   74
 SAM D11 Xplained Pro board. More...
#define SAMG55_XPLAINED_PRO   75
 SAMG55 Xplained Pro board. More...
#define SAML21_XPLAINED_PRO   76
 SAM L21 Xplained Pro board. More...
#define SAMD10_XPLAINED_MINI   77
 SAM D10 Xplained Mini board. More...
#define SAMDA1_XPLAINED_PRO   78
 SAM DA1 Xplained Pro board. More...
#define SAMW25_XPLAINED_PRO   79
 SAMW25 Xplained Pro board. More...
#define SAMC21_XPLAINED_PRO   80
 SAM C21 Xplained Pro board. More...
#define SAMV71_XPLAINED_ULTRA   81
 SAMV71 Xplained Ultra board. More...
 ATMEGA328P Xplained MINI board. More...
 ATMEGA328PB Xplained MINI board. More...
#define SAMB11_XPLAINED_PRO   84
 SAM B11 Xplained Pro board. More...
#define SAME70_XPLAINED   85
 SAME70 Xplained board. More...
#define SAML22_XPLAINED_PRO   86
 SAM L22 Xplained Pro board. More...
#define SAML22_XPLAINED_PRO_B   87
 SAM L22 Xplained Pro board. More...
#define SAMR21ZLL_EK   88
 SAMR21ZLL-EK board. More...
 ATMEGA168PB Xplained MINI board. More...
 ATMEGA324PB Xplained Pro board. More...
#define SAMB11ZR_XPLAINED_PRO   92
 SAM B11 ZR Xplained Pro board. More...
#define SAMR30_XPLAINED_PRO   93
 SAM R30 Xplained Pro board. More...
#define SAMHA1G16A_XPLAINED_PRO   94
 SAM HA1G16A Xplained Pro board. More...
#define SAMR34_XPLAINED_PRO   95
 SAM R34 Xplained Pro board. More...
#define SIMULATOR_XMEGA_A1   97
 Simulator for XMEGA A1 devices. More...
#define AVR_SIMULATOR_UC3   98
 Simulator for the AVR UC3 device family. More...
#define USER_BOARD   99
 User-reserved board (if any). More...
#define DUMMY_BOARD   100
 Dummy board to support board-independent applications (e.g. bootloader). More...
#define SAMB11ZR_SENSOR_TAG   101
 SAMB11ZR sensor tag board. More...
 SAM R30 Module Xplained Pro board. More...
#define SAMR21G18_MODULE   103
 SAMR21G18-MR210UA Module. More...
#define SAMR21B18_MODULE   104
 SAMR21B18-MZ210PA Module. More...
#define WLR089_XPLAINED_PRO   105
 WLR089_XPLAINED_PRO board. More...
Extension Boards
#define EXT1102   1
 AT32UC3B EXT1102 board. More...
#define MC300   2
 AT32UC3 MC300 board. More...
 Xplained inertial sensor board 1. More...
 Xplained inertial sensor board 2. More...
 Xplained pressure sensor board. More...
 Xplained light & proximity sensor board. More...
 Xplained inertial sensor board "A". More...
#define RZ600_AT86RF231   8
 AT86RF231 RF board in RZ600. More...
#define RZ600_AT86RF230B   9
 AT86RF230B RF board in RZ600. More...
#define RZ600_AT86RF212   10
 AT86RF212 RF board in RZ600. More...
 Xplained sensor development breadboard. More...
 Xplained ATSHA204 board. More...
#define USER_EXT_BOARD   99
 User-reserved extension board (if any). More...


void board_init (void)
 This function initializes the board target resources. More...