Microchip® Advanced Software Framework

twihs.c File Reference

Two-Wire Interface (TWIHS) driver for SAM.

Copyright (c) 2013-2018 Microchip Technology Inc. and its subsidiaries.

#include "twihs.h"


#define I2C_FAST_MODE_SPEED   400000
#define LOW_LEVEL_TIME_LIMIT   384000
#define TWIHS_CLK_DIV_MAX   0xFF
#define TWIHS_CLK_DIV_MIN   7


void twihs_disable_interrupt (Twihs *p_twihs, uint32_t ul_sources)
 Disable TWIHS interrupts. More...
void twihs_disable_master_mode (Twihs *p_twihs)
 Disable TWIHS master mode. More...
void twihs_disable_slave_mode (Twihs *p_twihs)
 Disable TWIHS slave mode. More...
void twihs_enable_interrupt (Twihs *p_twihs, uint32_t ul_sources)
 Enable TWIHS interrupts. More...
void twihs_enable_master_mode (Twihs *p_twihs)
 Enable TWIHS master mode. More...
void twihs_enable_slave_mode (Twihs *p_twihs)
 Enable TWIHS slave mode. More...
uint32_t twihs_get_interrupt_mask (Twihs *p_twihs)
 Read TWIHS interrupt mask. More...
uint32_t twihs_get_interrupt_status (Twihs *p_twihs)
 Get TWIHS interrupt status. More...
Pdc * twihs_get_pdc_base (Twihs *p_twihs)
 Get TWIHS PDC base address. More...
void twihs_mask_slave_addr (Twihs *p_twihs, uint32_t ul_mask)
 A mask can be applied on the slave device address in slave mode in order to allow multiple address answer. More...
uint32_t twihs_master_init (Twihs *p_twihs, const twihs_options_t *p_opt)
 Initialize TWIHS master mode. More...
uint32_t twihs_master_read (Twihs *p_twihs, twihs_packet_t *p_packet)
 Read multiple bytes from a TWIHS compatible slave device. More...
uint32_t twihs_master_write (Twihs *p_twihs, twihs_packet_t *p_packet)
 Write multiple bytes to a TWIHS compatible slave device. More...
static uint32_t twihs_mk_addr (const uint8_t *addr, int len)
 Construct the TWIHS module address register field. More...
uint32_t twihs_probe (Twihs *p_twihs, uint8_t uc_slave_addr)
 Test if a chip answers a given I2C address. More...
uint8_t twihs_read_byte (Twihs *p_twihs)
 Reads a byte from the TWIHS bus. More...
void twihs_read_write_protection_status (Twihs *p_twihs, uint32_t *p_status)
 Read the write protection status. More...
void twihs_reset (Twihs *p_twihs)
 Reset TWIHS. More...
void twihs_set_alternative_command (Twihs *p_twihs, uint32_t ul_alt_cmd)
 Set length/direction/PEC for alternative command mode. More...
void twihs_set_filter (Twihs *p_twihs, uint32_t ul_filter)
 Set the filter for TWIHS. More...
void twihs_set_slave_addr (Twihs *p_twihs, uint32_t ul_device_addr)
 Set TWIHS slave address. More...
void twihs_set_sleepwalking (Twihs *p_twihs, uint32_t ul_matching_addr1, bool flag1, uint32_t ul_matching_addr2, bool flag2, uint32_t ul_matching_addr3, bool flag3, uint32_t ul_matching_data, bool flag)
 Set sleepwalking match mode. More...
uint32_t twihs_set_speed (Twihs *p_twihs, uint32_t ul_speed, uint32_t ul_mck)
 Set the I2C bus speed in conjunction with the clock frequency. More...
void twihs_set_write_protection (Twihs *p_twihs, bool flag)
 Enables/Disables write protection mode. More...
void twihs_slave_init (Twihs *p_twihs, uint32_t ul_device_addr)
 Initialize TWIHS slave mode. More...
uint32_t twihs_slave_read (Twihs *p_twihs, uint8_t *p_data)
 Read data from master. More...
uint32_t twihs_slave_write (Twihs *p_twihs, uint8_t *p_data)
 Write data to TWIHS bus. More...
void twihs_smbus_set_timing (Twihs *p_twihs, uint32_t ul_timing)
 Set the prescaler, TLOW:SEXT, TLOW:MEXT and clock high max cycles for SMBUS mode. More...
void twihs_write_byte (Twihs *p_twihs, uint8_t uc_byte)
 Sends a byte of data to one of the TWIHS slaves on the bus. More...