Microchip® Advanced Software Framework

Quick Start Guide for TRNG - Basic

In this use case, the True Random Number Generator (TRNG) module is configured for:

  • The TRNG peripheral will not be stopped in standby sleep mode

This use case will read random data in polling mode repeatedly. After reading a data, the board LED will be toggled.



There are no special setup requirements for this use-case.


Copy-paste the following setup code to your user application:

/* TRNG module software instance (must not go out of scope while in use) */
static struct trng_module trng_instance;
void configure_trng(void)
/* Create a new configuration structure for the TRNG settings
* and fill with the default module settings. */
struct trng_config config_trng;
/* Alter any TRNG configuration settings here if required */
/* Initialize TRNG with the user settings */
trng_init(&trng_instance, TRNG, &config_trng);

Add to user application initialization (typically the start of main()):



  1. Create a TRNG device instance struct, which will be associated with a TRNG peripheral hardware instance.
    static struct trng_module trng_instance;
    Device instance structures shall never go out of scope when in use.
  2. Create a new function configure_trng(), which will be used to configure the overall TRNG peripheral.
    void configure_trng(void)
  3. Create a TRNG peripheral configuration structure that will be filled out to set the module configuration.
    struct trng_config config_trng;
  4. Fill the TRNG peripheral configuration structure with the default module configuration values.
  5. Initialize the TRNG peripheral and associate it with the software instance structure that was defined previously.
    trng_init(&trng_instance, TRNG, &config_trng);
  6. Enable the now initialized TRNG peripheral.



Copy-paste the following code to your user application:

uint32_t random_result;
while (true) {
while (trng_read(&trng_instance, &random_result) != STATUS_OK) {
/* Add a short delay to see LED toggle */
volatile uint32_t delay = 50000;
while(delay--) {


  1. Make the application loop infinitely.
    while (true) {
  2. Start to read a random data from TRNG until success.
    while (trng_read(&trng_instance, &random_result) != STATUS_OK) {
  3. Toggle the board LED to indicate a random data is read.
    /* Add a short delay to see LED toggle */
    volatile uint32_t delay = 50000;
    while(delay--) {