Microchip® Advanced Software Framework

pac.h File Reference

SAM Peripheral Access Controller Driver.

Copyright (c) 2012-2020 Microchip Technology Inc. and its subsidiaries.

#include <compiler.h>
#include <system.h>


#define SYSTEM_PERIPHERAL_ID(peripheral)   ID_##peripheral
 Retrieves the ID of a specified peripheral name, giving its peripheral bus location. More...


Peripheral Lock and Unlock
__no_inline enum status_code system_peripheral_lock (const uint32_t peripheral_id, const uint32_t key)
 Lock a given peripheral's control registers. More...
__no_inline enum status_code system_peripheral_unlock (const uint32_t peripheral_id, const uint32_t key)
 Unlock a given peripheral's control registers. More...
APIs available for SAM L21/L22/C20/C21.
__no_inline enum status_code system_peripheral_lock_always (const uint32_t peripheral_id, const uint32_t key)
 Lock a given peripheral's control registers until hardware reset. More...
static void system_pac_enable_interrupt (void)
 Enable PAC interrupt. More...
static void system_pac_disable_interrupt (void)
 Disable PAC interrupt. More...
static void system_pac_enable_event (void)
 Enable PAC event output. More...
static void system_pac_disable_event (void)
 Disable PAC event output. More...