Microchip® Advanced Software Framework

ADP Example


This simple example shows how to set up communication of the target MCU and Data Visualizer on PC.

Main files:

  • adp_example.c : the example itself.
  • conf_board.h
  • conf_clocks.h
  • conf_tc.h

Device Info

All SAM devices can be used. This example has been tested with the following setup:

  • SAM D21 Xplained Pro
  • SAM L21 Xplained Pro
  • SAM 4S Xplained Pro


To run the test:

  • Connect the IO1 Xplained Pro via EXT1.
  • Connect the supported Xplained Pro board to the computer using a micro USB cable.
  • Build the project, program the target and run the application.
  • Open Data Visualizer.exe on the computer.
  • Select the supported Xplained Pro board, then click "Connect" button in Data Visualizer application.

Description of the example application

This example application will initiate communication with the Data Visualizer on the computer. Set up some elements on the dashboards, and some data stream between the target mcu and the computer.

Compilation Info

This software was written for the GNU GCC and AtmelStudio. Other compilers may or may not work.

Contact Information

For further information, visit Microchip.