Microchip® Advanced Software Framework

gfx_mono_text.h File Reference

Monochrome graphic library API header file.

Copyright (c) 2011-2018 Microchip Technology Inc. and its subsidiaries.

#include <stdint.h>
#include "compiler.h"

Data Structures

struct  font
 Storage structure for font meta data. More...


enum  font_data_type { FONT_LOC_PROGMEM }
 Valid storage locations for font data. More...


Strings and characters located in RAM
void gfx_mono_draw_char (const char c, const gfx_coord_t x, const gfx_coord_t y, const struct font *font)
 Draws a character to the display. More...
void gfx_mono_draw_string (const char *str, const gfx_coord_t x, const gfx_coord_t y, const struct font *font)
 Draws a string to the display. More...
void gfx_mono_get_string_bounding_box (char const *str, const struct font *font, gfx_coord_t *width, gfx_coord_t *height)
 Computes the bounding box of a string. More...
Strings located in flash
void gfx_mono_draw_progmem_string (char PROGMEM_PTR_T str, gfx_coord_t x, gfx_coord_t y, const struct font *font)
 Draws a string located in program memory to the display. More...
void gfx_mono_get_progmem_string_bounding_box (char PROGMEM_PTR_T str, const struct font *font, gfx_coord_t *width, gfx_coord_t *height)
 Computes the bounding box of a string located in program memory. More...