Microchip® Advanced Software Framework

pal_generic.h File Reference

PAL Generic APIs.

This header file declares prototypes of PAL APIs, enumerations used by TAL and MAC.

Copyright (c) 2013-2018 Microchip Technology Inc. and its subsidiaries.

#include "compiler.h"
#include "return_val.h"


typedef enum ps_type_tag ps_type_t
 IDs for persistence storage type. More...
typedef enum timeout_type_tag timeout_type_t
 Timeout type. More...


enum  ps_type_tag {
 IDs for persistence storage type. More...
enum  timeout_type_tag {
 Timeout type. More...


uint16_t pal_generate_rand_seed (void)
 Generation of random seed for function srand() in case this is not supported by the transceiver (e.g. More...
void pal_get_current_time (uint32_t *current_time)
 Gets current time. More...
bool pal_is_timer_running (uint8_t timer_id)
 Checks if the timer of requested timer identifier is running. More...
retval_t pal_ps_get (ps_type_t ps_type, uint16_t start_addr, uint16_t length, void *value)
 Get data from persistence storage. More...
retval_t pal_ps_set (uint16_t start_addr, uint16_t length, void *value)
 Write data to persistence storage. More...
retval_t pal_start_high_priority_timer (uint8_t timer_id, uint16_t timer_count, FUNC_PTR timer_cb, void *param_cb)
 Starts high priority timer. More...
retval_t pal_stop_high_priority_timer (uint8_t timer_id)
 Stops a high priority timer. More...
void pal_task (void)
 Services timer and sio handler. More...
retval_t pal_timer_get_id (uint8_t *timer_id)
retval_t pal_timer_start (uint8_t timer_id, uint32_t timer_count, timeout_type_t timeout_type, FUNC_PTR timer_cb, void *param_cb)
 Start regular timer. More...
retval_t pal_timer_stop (uint8_t timer_id)
 Stops a running timer. More...