Microchip® Advanced Software Framework

port.h File Reference

SAM GPIO Port Driver.

Copyright (c) 2012-2020 Microchip Technology Inc. and its subsidiaries.

#include <compiler.h>
#include <pinmux.h>

Data Structures

struct  port_config
 Port pin configuration structure. More...
struct  port_input_event_config
 Port input event configuration structure. More...


Driver Feature Definition

Define port features set according to different device family.

 Event input control feature support for PORT group. More...
PORT Alias Macros
#define PORTA   PORT->Group[0]
 Convenience definition for GPIO module group A on the device (if available). More...
#define PORTB   PORT->Group[1]
 Convenience definition for GPIO module group B on the device (if available). More...
#define PORTC   PORT->Group[2]
 Convenience definition for GPIO module group C on the device (if available). More...
#define PORTD   PORT->Group[3]
 Convenience definition for GPIO module group D on the device (if available). More...


enum  port_input_event {
 Port input event. More...
enum  port_input_event_action {
 Port input event action. More...
enum  port_pin_dir {
 Port pin direction configuration enum. More...
enum  port_pin_pull {
 Port pin input pull configuration enum. More...


State Reading/Writing (Physical Group Orientated)
static PortGroup * port_get_group_from_gpio_pin (const uint8_t gpio_pin)
 Retrieves the PORT module group instance from a given GPIO pin number. More...
static uint32_t port_group_get_input_level (const PortGroup *const port, const uint32_t mask)
 Retrieves the state of a group of port pins that are configured as inputs. More...
static uint32_t port_group_get_output_level (const PortGroup *const port, const uint32_t mask)
 Retrieves the state of a group of port pins that are configured as outputs. More...
static void port_group_set_output_level (PortGroup *const port, const uint32_t mask, const uint32_t level_mask)
 Sets the state of a group of port pins that are configured as outputs. More...
static void port_group_toggle_output_level (PortGroup *const port, const uint32_t mask)
 Toggles the state of a group of port pins that are configured as an outputs. More...
Configuration and Initialization
static void port_get_config_defaults (struct port_config *const config)
 Initializes a Port pin/group configuration structure to defaults. More...
void port_pin_set_config (const uint8_t gpio_pin, const struct port_config *const config)
 Writes a Port pin configuration to the hardware module. More...
void port_group_set_config (PortGroup *const port, const uint32_t mask, const struct port_config *const config)
 Writes a Port group configuration group to the hardware module. More...
State Reading/Writing (Logical Pin Orientated)
static bool port_pin_get_input_level (const uint8_t gpio_pin)
 Retrieves the state of a port pin that is configured as an input. More...
static bool port_pin_get_output_level (const uint8_t gpio_pin)
 Retrieves the state of a port pin that is configured as an output. More...
static void port_pin_set_output_level (const uint8_t gpio_pin, const bool level)
 Sets the state of a port pin that is configured as an output. More...
static void port_pin_toggle_output_level (const uint8_t gpio_pin)
 Toggles the state of a port pin that is configured as an output. More...
Port Input Event
static enum status_code port_enable_input_event (const uint8_t gpio_pin, const enum port_input_event n)
 Enable the port event input. More...
static enum status_code port_disable_input_event (const uint8_t gpio_pin, const enum port_input_event n)
 Disable the port event input. More...
static void port_input_event_get_config_defaults (struct port_input_event_config *const config)
 Retrieve the default configuration for port input event. More...
static enum status_code port_input_event_set_config (const enum port_input_event n, struct port_input_event_config *const config)
 Configure port input event. More...