Microchip® Advanced Software Framework

uhi_cdc_doc.h File Reference

USB host driver for Communication Device Class interface.

Copyright (c) 2014-2018 Microchip Technology Inc. and its subsidiaries.


Interface with USB Host Core (UHC)

Definition and functions required by UHC.

#define UHI_CDC
 Global definition which contains standard UHI API for UHC. More...


Functions Required by UHC
uhc_enum_status_t uhi_cdc_install (uhc_device_t *dev)
 Install interface. More...
void uhi_cdc_enable (uhc_device_t *dev)
 Enable the interface. More...
void uhi_cdc_uninstall (uhc_device_t *dev)
 Uninstall the interface (if installed). More...
void uhi_cdc_sof (bool b_micro)
 Signal that a SOF has occurred. More...
UHI for Communication Device Class

Common APIs used by high level application to use this USB host class.

These routines are used by memory to transfer its data to/from USB CDC endpoint.

bool uhi_cdc_open (uint8_t port, usb_cdc_line_coding_t *configuration)
 Open a port of UHI CDC interface. More...
void uhi_cdc_close (uint8_t port)
 Close a port. More...
bool uhi_cdc_is_rx_ready (uint8_t port)
 This function checks if a character has been received on the CDC line. More...
iram_size_t uhi_cdc_get_nb_received (uint8_t port)
 This function returns the number of character available on the CDC line. More...
int uhi_cdc_getc (uint8_t port)
 Waits and gets a value on CDC line. More...
iram_size_t uhi_cdc_read_buf (uint8_t port, void *buf, iram_size_t size)
 Reads a RAM buffer on CDC line. More...
bool uhi_cdc_is_tx_ready (uint8_t port)
 This function checks if a new character sent is possible. More...
int uhi_cdc_putc (uint8_t port, int value)
 Puts a byte on CDC line. More...
iram_size_t uhi_cdc_write_buf (uint8_t port, const void *buf, iram_size_t size)
 Writes a RAM buffer on CDC line. More...