Microchip® Advanced Software Framework

uhi_hid_mouse_doc.h File Reference

USB host driver for Human Interface Device (HID) mouse interface.

Copyright (c) 2014-2018 Microchip Technology Inc. and its subsidiaries.


Interface with USB Host Core (UHC)

Define and functions required by UHC.

 Global define which contains standard UHI API for UHC. More...
UHI for Human Interface Device Mouse Class

Common APIs used by high level application to use this USB host class.

These APIs require only callback definitions in conf_usb_host.h file through following defines:

#define UHI_HID_MOUSE_CHANGE(dev, b_plug)
#define UHI_HID_MOUSE_EVENT_MOUVE(x, y, scroll)


Functions Required by UHC
uhc_enum_status_t uhi_hid_mouse_install (uhc_device_t *dev)
 Install interface Allocate interface endpoints if supported. More...
void uhi_hid_mouse_enable (uhc_device_t *dev)
 Enable the interface. More...
void uhi_hid_mouse_uninstall (uhc_device_t *dev)
 Uninstall the interface (if installed). More...