Microchip® Advanced Software Framework

winc1500/host_drv/driver/include/m2m_ota.h File Reference

WINC OTA Upgrade API Interface.

Copyright (c) 2016-2021 Microchip Technology Inc. and its subsidiaries.

#include "common/include/nm_common.h"
#include "driver/include/m2m_types.h"
#include "driver/source/nmdrv.h"


typedef void(* tpfFileEraseCb )(uint8 u8Status)
 A callback executed when the file erase has been completed. More...
typedef void(* tpfFileGetCb )(uint8 u8Status, uint8 u8Handler, uint32 u32Size)
 A callback to notify the application of the result of the download (success/fail), the generated handler ID and the size of the file which has just finished downloading (size expressed in bytes). More...
typedef void(* tpfFileReadCb )(uint8 u8Status, void *pBuff, uint32 u32Size)
 A callback to handle a buffer of data after requesting a Host File read. The callback will provide the status of the read operation and if successful, a pointer to a valid placeholder containing the data read and the amount of data available. Such callback is required when using Host File read via the HIF. More...
typedef void(* tpfOtaNotifCb )(tstrOtaUpdateInfo *pstrOtaUpdateInfo)
typedef void(* tpfOtaUpdateCb )(uint8 u8OtaUpdateStatusType, uint8 u8OtaUpdateStatus)


NMI_API sint8 m2m_ota_abort (void)
 Request OTA Abort. More...
NMI_API sint8 m2m_ota_get_firmware_version (tstrM2mRev *pstrRev)
 Synchronous API to obtain the firmware version of the WINC image that is stored in the inactive flash partition. This is the image that would run on the WINC IC if m2m_ota_switch_firmware or m2m_ota_rollback were called, followed by a reset of the WINC IC. More...
NMI_API sint8 m2m_ota_host_file_erase (uint8 u8Handler, tpfFileEraseCb pfHFDEraseCb)
 Erase any traces of an existing file, this means from host driver and WINC firmware. More...
NMI_API sint8 m2m_ota_host_file_get (unsigned char *pcDownloadUrl, tpfFileGetCb pfHFDGetCb)
 Download a file from a remote location and store it in the WINC's Flash. More...
NMI_API sint8 m2m_ota_host_file_read_hif (uint8 u8Handler, uint32 u32Offset, uint32 u32Size, tpfFileReadCb pfHFDReadCb)
 Read a certain amount of bytes from a file in WINC's Flash using HIF transfer. More...
NMI_API sint8 m2m_ota_host_file_read_spi (uint8 u8Handler, uint8 *pu8Buff, uint32 u32Offset, uint32 u32Size)
 Read a certain amount of bytes from a file in WINC's Flash using SPI transfer. More...
NMI_API sint8 m2m_ota_init (tpfOtaUpdateCb pfOtaUpdateCb, tpfOtaNotifCb pfOtaNotifCb)
 Initialize the OTA layer. More...
NMI_API sint8 m2m_ota_notif_check_for_update (void)
 Check for OTA update. More...
NMI_API sint8 m2m_ota_notif_sched (uint32 u32Period)
 Schedule OTA update. More...
NMI_API sint8 m2m_ota_notif_set_url (uint8 *u8Url)
 Set the OTA url. More...
NMI_API sint8 m2m_ota_rollback (void)
 Request OTA Rollback image. More...
NMI_API sint8 m2m_ota_start_update (unsigned char *pcDownloadUrl)
 Request OTA start update using the downloaded URL. More...
NMI_API sint8 m2m_ota_switch_firmware (void)
 Switch to the upgraded Firmware. More...