Microchip® Advanced Software Framework

wireless/SmartConnect_6LoWPAN/core/lib/list.c File Reference

Linked list library implementation.

Adam Dunkels adam@.nosp@m.sics.nosp@m..se
#include "lib/list.h"

Data Structures

struct  list


#define NULL   0


void list_add (list_t list, void *item)
 Add an item at the end of a list. More...
void * list_chop (list_t list)
 Remove the last object on the list. More...
void list_copy (list_t dest, list_t src)
 Duplicate a list. More...
void * list_head (list_t list)
 Get a pointer to the first element of a list. More...
void list_init (list_t list)
 Initialize a list. More...
void list_insert (list_t list, void *previtem, void *newitem)
 Insert an item after a specified item on the list. More...
void * list_item_next (void *item)
 Get the next item following this item. More...
int list_length (list_t list)
 Get the length of a list. More...
void * list_pop (list_t list)
 Remove the first object on a list. More...
void list_push (list_t list, void *item)
 Add an item to the start of the list. More...
void list_remove (list_t list, void *item)
 Remove a specific element from a list. More...
void * list_tail (list_t list)
 Get the tail of a list. More...