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ILI9341 Display Controller Example for SAM4S-XPLAINED Documentation


This simple example shows how to use the ILI9341 Display Controller Component Driver for interfacing the ILI9341 display controller.

Main files:

ILI9341 low level component driver API

The ILI9341 low level component driver API can be found here.

Device Info

All devices with some sort of SPI interface, e.g. SPI or USART in SPI mode.

a Parallel interface is also possible, but is currently not supported by any standard Atmel hardware, hence the component driver does not support this.

Description of the example

This example show how to use the functions provided by the low level component driver to draw very simple graphics to the screen.

First it uses the function ili9341_duplicate_pixel to draw a color to the screen 20 times. Then it uses ili9341_copy_pixels_to_screen to copy a 40 x 40 single color pixmap to the screen at different locations.

For any advanced drawing of graphics please use the higher level GFX service.

Compilation Info

This software was written for the GNU GCC and IAR for AVR. Other compilers may or may not work.

Contact Information

For further information, visit Microchip.