Microchip® Advanced Software Framework

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This module is the test suite framework, which provides a set of standard functions and macros for defining and running test suites.

A test suite consists of test cases. Each test case consists of a set of functions that are called in a specific order by the framework when the test suite is run. The runtime environment of a test is referred to as the test fixture. A setup function can be defined for the purpose of fulfilling preconditions that are needed for the test to run. To free up or reset resources which were used in the test case, a cleanup function can be defined.

The following three functions can be defined for each test case:

The setup and/or cleanup functions may be skipped if they are not needed.

A function may report an error or failure by use of the macros test_fail , test_assert_true and test_assert_false. Note that only the first macro allows for the result value to be specified, while the two latter will automatically return TEST_FAIL if the specified condition is false.

If any of the functions return a failure/error result, execution of that specific function is ended. However, depending on which function did not pass, execution of the test case may continue:

The result of the first function in the test case which does not pass determines the end result.

Example code for definition of a test suite:

void setup_1(const struct test_case *test);
void run_1(const struct test_case *test);
void cleanup_1(const struct test_case *test);
void run_2(const struct test_case *test);
"First test");
"Second test");
DEFINE_TEST_ARRAY(my_tests) = {
DEFINE_TEST_SUITE(my_suite, my_tests, "Two-test suite");

Example code for definition of a test case:

void setup_1(const struct test_case *test)
void *resource = allocate_test_resource();
if (resource == NULL) {
"Could not allocate test resource");
void run_1(const struct test_case *test)
void *resource = test_get_data();
int8_t test_result;
test_assert_true(test, test_result > 0,
"Test result is not larger than 0: %i", test_result);
test_assert_false(test, test_result > 2,
"Test result is larger than 2: %i", test_result);
void cleanup_1(const struct test_case *test)
void *resource = test_get_data();

This module is the test suite framework, which provides a set of standard functions and macros for defining and running test suites.

A test suite consists of test cases. Each test case consists of a set of functions that are called in a specific order by the framework when the test suite is run. The runtime environment of a test is referred to as the test fixture. A setup function can be defined for the purpose of fulfilling preconditions that are needed for the test to run. To free up or reset resources which were used in the test case, a cleanup function can be defined.

The following three functions can be defined for each test case:

The setup and/or cleanup functions may be skipped if they are not needed.

A function may report an error or failure by use of the macros test_fail , test_assert_true and test_assert_false. Note that only the first macro allows for the result value to be specified, while the two latter will automatically return TEST_FAIL if the specified condition is false.

If any of the functions return a failure/error result, execution of that specific function is ended. However, depending on which function did not pass, execution of the test case may continue:

The result of the first function in the test case which does not pass determines the end result.

Example code for definition of a test suite:

void setup_1(const struct test_case *test);
void run_1(const struct test_case *test);
void cleanup_1(const struct test_case *test);
void run_2(const struct test_case *test);
"First test");
"Second test");
DEFINE_TEST_ARRAY(my_tests) = {
DEFINE_TEST_SUITE(my_suite, my_tests, "Two-test suite");

Example code for definition of a test case:

void setup_1(const struct test_case *test)
void *resource = allocate_test_resource();
if (resource == NULL) {
"Could not allocate test resource");
void run_1(const struct test_case *test)
void *resource = test_get_data();
int8_t test_result;
test_assert_true(test, test_result > 0,
"Test result is not larger than 0: %i", test_result);
test_assert_false(test, test_result > 2,
"Test result is larger than 2: %i", test_result);
void cleanup_1(const struct test_case *test)
void *resource = test_get_data();


 Global interrupt management
 This is a driver for global enabling and disabling of interrupts.

Data Structures

struct  test_case
 A test case. More...
struct  test_suite
 A test suite. More...


file  interrupt.h
 Global interrupt management for 8- and 32-bit AVR.
file  parts.h
 Atmel part identification macros.


sd_mmc_err_t sd_mmc_check (uint8_t slot)
 Performs a card checks. More...
uint32_t sd_mmc_get_capacity (uint8_t slot)
 Get the memory capacity. More...
card_type_t sd_mmc_get_type (uint8_t slot)
 Get the card type. More...
card_version_t sd_mmc_get_version (uint8_t slot)
 Get the card version. More...
sd_mmc_err_t sd_mmc_init_read_blocks (uint8_t slot, uint32_t start, uint16_t nb_block)
 Initialize the read blocks of data from the card. More...
sd_mmc_err_t sd_mmc_init_write_blocks (uint8_t slot, uint32_t start, uint16_t nb_block)
 Initialize the write blocks of data. More...
bool sd_mmc_is_write_protected (uint8_t slot)
 Get the card write protection status. More...
uint8_t sd_mmc_nb_slot (void)
 Return the number of slot available. More...
sd_mmc_err_t sd_mmc_start_read_blocks (void *dest, uint16_t nb_block)
 Start the read blocks of data from the card. More...
sd_mmc_err_t sd_mmc_start_write_blocks (const void *src, uint16_t nb_block)
 Start the write blocks of data. More...
sd_mmc_err_t sd_mmc_wait_end_of_read_blocks (bool abort)
 Wait the end of read blocks of data from the card. More...
sd_mmc_err_t sd_mmc_wait_end_of_write_blocks (bool abort)
 Wait the end of write blocks of data. More...
sd_mmc_err_t sdio_read_direct (uint8_t slot, uint8_t func_num, uint32_t addr, uint8_t *dest)
 Read one byte from SDIO using RW_DIRECT command. More...
sd_mmc_err_t sdio_read_extended (uint8_t slot, uint8_t func_num, uint32_t addr, uint8_t inc_addr, uint8_t *dest, uint16_t size)
 Read bytes from SDIO using RW_EXTENDED command. More...
sd_mmc_err_t sdio_write_direct (uint8_t slot, uint8_t func_num, uint32_t addr, uint8_t data)
 Write one byte to SDIO using RW_DIRECT command. More...
sd_mmc_err_t sdio_write_extended (uint8_t slot, uint8_t func_num, uint32_t addr, uint8_t inc_addr, uint8_t *src, uint16_t size)
 Write bytes to SDIO using RW_EXTENDED command. More...
static int test_call (void(*func)(const struct test_case *), const struct test_case *test)
 Call a test or fixture function. More...
void test_case_fail (const struct test_case *test, int result, const char *file, unsigned int line, const char *fmt,...)
 Report a failure and jump out of current test case function. More...
static int test_case_run (const struct test_case *test)
 Run a test case. More...
static void test_report_failure (const struct test_case *test, const char *stage, int result)
 Report a failing test stage. More...


struct test_casetest_case_ptr = NULL
 Pointer to current test case. More...
static jmp_buf test_failure_jmpbuf
 Context saved before executing a test or fixture function. More...
void * test_priv_data
 Data pointer for test cases. More...

Wrappers for printing debug information

The test suite framework feeds its output to printf. It is left up to the test application to set up the stream.
#define dbg(__fmt_)   printf_P(PROGMEM_STRING(__fmt_))
#define dbg_info(__fmt_,...)   printf_P(PROGMEM_STRING(__fmt_), __VA_ARGS__)
#define dbg_error(_x,...)   printf_P(PROGMEM_STRING(_x), __VA_ARGS__)
#define dbg_putchar(c)   putc(c, stdout)
#define dbg_vprintf_pgm(...)   vfprintf_P(stdout, __VA_ARGS__)

Test suite definition macros

#define DEFINE_TEST_CASE(_sym, _setup, _run, _cleanup, _name)
 Create a test case struct. More...
#define DEFINE_TEST_ARRAY(_sym)   const struct test_case *const _sym[]
 Create an array of test case pointers. More...
#define DEFINE_TEST_SUITE(_sym, _test_array, _name)
 Create a test suite. More...

Test data access

void * test_priv_data
 Data pointer for test cases. More...
static void test_set_data (void *data)
 Set private data pointer for the current test. More...
static void * test_get_data (void)
 Get the private data pointer for the current test. More...

Test case pointer access

struct test_casetest_case_ptr
 Pointer to current test case. More...
static void test_set_case (const struct test_case *test)
 Set pointer to current test. More...
static struct test_casetest_get_case (void)
 Get pointer to current test. More...

Test result reporting

enum  test_status {
  TEST_ERROR = -1,
  TEST_PASS = 0,
 Status codes returned by test cases and fixtures. More...
#define test_fail(test, result,...)   test_case_fail(test, result, __FILE__, __LINE__, __VA_ARGS__)
 Fail the test. More...
#define test_assert_true(test, condition,...)
 Verify that condition is true. More...
#define test_assert_false(test, condition,...)   test_assert_true(test, !(condition), __VA_ARGS__)
 Verify that condition is false. More...

Test suite interaction

int test_suite_run (const struct test_suite *suite)
 Run a test suite. More...

Quick start guide for the SAM PMC module

This is the quick start guide for the PMC module, with step-by-step instructions on how to configure and use the driver in a selection of use cases.The use cases contain several code fragments. The code fragments in the steps for setup can be copied into a custom initialization function, while the steps for usage can be copied into, e.g., the main application function.

PMC use cases

Basic use case - Switch Main Clock sources

In this use case, the PMC module is configured for a variety of system clock sources and speeds. A LED is used to visually indicate the current clock speed as the source is switched.



  1. General Purpose I/O Management (gpio)


The following function needs to be added to the user application, to flash a board LED a variable number of times at a rate given in CPU ticks.

#define FLASH_TICK_COUNT 0x00012345
void flash_led(uint32_t tick_count, uint8_t flash_count)
SysTick->CTRL = SysTick_CTRL_ENABLE_Msk;
SysTick->LOAD = tick_count;
while (flash_count--)
while (!(SysTick->CTRL & SysTick_CTRL_COUNTFLAG_Msk));
while (!(SysTick->CTRL & SysTick_CTRL_COUNTFLAG_Msk));

Use case

Example code

Add to application C-file:

for (;;)
flash_led(FLASH_TICK_COUNT, 5);
flash_led(FLASH_TICK_COUNT, 5);
flash_led(FLASH_TICK_COUNT, 5);
flash_led(FLASH_TICK_COUNT, 5);


  1. Wrap the code in an infinite loop:
    for (;;)
  2. Switch the Master CPU frequency to the internal 12MHz RC oscillator, flash a LED on the board several times:
    flash_led(FLASH_TICK_COUNT, 5);
  3. Switch the Master CPU frequency to the internal 8MHz RC oscillator, flash a LED on the board several times:
    flash_led(FLASH_TICK_COUNT, 5);
  4. Switch the Master CPU frequency to the internal 4MHz RC oscillator, flash a LED on the board several times:
    flash_led(FLASH_TICK_COUNT, 5);
  5. Switch the Master CPU frequency to the external crystal oscillator, flash a LED on the board several times:
    flash_led(FLASH_TICK_COUNT, 5);

Use case #2 - Configure Programmable Clocks

In this use case, the PMC module is configured to start the Slow Clock from an attached 32KHz crystal, and start one of the Programmable Clock modules sourced from the Slow Clock divided down with a prescale factor of 64.



  1. Parallel Input/Output Controller (pio)


The following code must be added to the user application:


  1. Configure the PCK1 pin to output on a specific port pin (in this case, PIOA pin 17) of the microcontroller.
    The peripheral selection and pin will vary according to your selected SAM device model. Refer to the "Peripheral Signal Multiplexing on I/O Lines" of your device's datasheet.

Use case

The generated PCK1 clock output can be viewed on an oscilloscope attached to the correct pin of the microcontroller.

Example code

Add to application C-file:


  1. Switch the Slow Clock source input to an external 32KHz crystal:
  2. Switch the Programmable Clock module PCK1 source clock to the Slow Clock, with a prescaler of 64:
    pmc_switch_pck_to_sclk(PMC_PCK_1, PMC_PCK_PRES_CLK_64);
  3. Enable Programmable Clock module PCK1:
  4. Enter an infinite loop:
    for (;;)
    // Do Nothing

#define dbg (   __fmt_)    printf_P(PROGMEM_STRING(__fmt_))
#define dbg_error (   _x,
)    printf_P(PROGMEM_STRING(_x), __VA_ARGS__)
#define dbg_info (   __fmt_,
)    printf_P(PROGMEM_STRING(__fmt_), __VA_ARGS__)
#define dbg_putchar (   c)    putc(c, stdout)
#define dbg_vprintf_pgm (   ...)    vfprintf_P(stdout, __VA_ARGS__)
#define DEFINE_TEST_ARRAY (   _sym)    const struct test_case *const _sym[]

Create an array of test case pointers.

_symVariable name of the resulting array
#define DEFINE_TEST_CASE (   _sym,
static const char _test_str_##_sym[] = _name; \
static const struct test_case _sym = { \
.setup = _setup, \
.run = _run, \
.cleanup = _cleanup, \
.name = _test_str_##_sym, \
A test case.
Definition: suite.h:157
void(* setup)(const struct test_case *test)
Set up the environment in which test is to be run.
Definition: suite.h:165

Create a test case struct.

_symVariable name of the resulting struct
_setupFunction which sets up a test case environment. Can be NULL.
_runTest function
_cleanupFunction which cleans up what was set up. Can be NULL.
_nameString describing the test case.
#define DEFINE_TEST_SUITE (   _sym,
static const char _test_str_##_sym[] = _name; \
const struct test_suite _sym = { \
.nr_tests = ARRAY_LEN(_test_array), \
.tests = _test_array, \
.name = _test_str_##_sym, \
A test suite.
Definition: suite.h:187
unsigned int nr_tests
The number of tests in this suite.
Definition: suite.h:189

Create a test suite.

_symVariable name of the resulting struct
_test_arrayArray of test cases, created with DEFINE_TEST_ARRAY()
_nameString describing the test suite.
#define test_assert_false (   test,
)    test_assert_true(test, !(condition), __VA_ARGS__)

Verify that condition is false.

If condition is true, fail the test with an error message indicating the condition which failed.

testThe test case currently being run
conditionExpression to be validated
...Format string and arguments
#define test_assert_true (   test,
do { \
if (!(condition)) { \
test_fail(test, TEST_FAIL, __VA_ARGS__); \
} \
} while (0)
#define test_fail(test, result,...)
Fail the test.
Definition: suite.h:372
Test failure.
Definition: suite.h:346

Verify that condition is true.

If condition is false, fail the test with an error message indicating the condition which failed.

testThe test case currently being run
conditionExpression to be validated
...Format string and arguments
#define test_fail (   test,
)    test_case_fail(test, result, __FILE__, __LINE__, __VA_ARGS__)

Fail the test.

Calling this function will cause the test to terminate with a failure. It will return directly to the test suite core, not to the caller.

testTest case which failed
resultThe result of the test (may not be 0)
...printf()-style format string and arguments

Status codes returned by test cases and fixtures.

Note that test cases and especially fixtures may return any of the status codes defined by status_code as well.


Test error.


Test success.


Test failure.

sd_mmc_err_t sd_mmc_check ( uint8_t  slot)

Performs a card checks.

slotCard slot to use
Return values
SD_MMC_OKCard ready
SD_MMC_INIT_ONGOINGInitialization on going
SD_MMC_ERR_NO_CARDCard not present in slot
Othervalue for error cases, see sd_mmc_err_t

References SD_MMC_CARD_STATE_READY, SD_MMC_CARD_STATE_UNUSABLE, sd_mmc_debug, sd_mmc_deselect_slot(), SD_MMC_ERR_UNUSABLE, SD_MMC_INIT_ONGOING, sd_mmc_is_spi, sd_mmc_mci_card_init(), sd_mmc_select_slot(), sd_mmc_spi_card_init(), and sd_mmc_card::state.

Referenced by run_sd_mmc_init_test(), and run_sd_mmc_sdio_rw_test().

uint32_t sd_mmc_get_capacity ( uint8_t  slot)

Get the memory capacity.

slotCard slot
Capacity (unit KB)

References sd_mmc_card::capacity, sd_mmc_deselect_slot(), SD_MMC_OK, and sd_mmc_select_slot().

Referenced by run_sd_mmc_rw_test().

card_type_t sd_mmc_get_type ( uint8_t  slot)

Get the card type.

slotCard slot
Card type (card_type_t)

References CARD_TYPE_UNKNOWN, sd_mmc_deselect_slot(), SD_MMC_OK, sd_mmc_select_slot(), and sd_mmc_card::type.

Referenced by run_sd_mmc_sdio_rw_test().

card_version_t sd_mmc_get_version ( uint8_t  slot)

Get the card version.

slotCard slot
Card version (card_version_t)

References CARD_VER_UNKNOWN, sd_mmc_deselect_slot(), SD_MMC_OK, sd_mmc_select_slot(), and sd_mmc_card::version.

sd_mmc_err_t sd_mmc_init_read_blocks ( uint8_t  slot,
uint32_t  start,
uint16_t  nb_block 

Initialize the read blocks of data from the card.

slotCard slot to use
startStart block number to to read.
nb_blockTotal number of blocks to be read.
return SD_MMC_OK if success, otherwise return an error code (sd_mmc_err_t).

References CARD_STATUS_ERR_RD_WR, CARD_TYPE_HC, driver_adtc_start, driver_get_response, SD_MMC_BLOCK_SIZE, sd_mmc_cmd13(), sd_mmc_debug, sd_mmc_deselect_slot(), SD_MMC_ERR_COMM, sd_mmc_is_mci, sd_mmc_nb_block_remaining, sd_mmc_nb_block_to_tranfer, SD_MMC_OK, sd_mmc_select_slot(), SDMMC_CMD17_READ_SINGLE_BLOCK, SDMMC_CMD18_READ_MULTIPLE_BLOCK, SDMMC_CMD_GET_INDEX, and sd_mmc_card::type.

Referenced by run_sd_mmc_rw_test().

sd_mmc_err_t sd_mmc_init_write_blocks ( uint8_t  slot,
uint32_t  start,
uint16_t  nb_block 

Initialize the write blocks of data.

slotCard slot to use
startStart block number to be written.
nb_blockTotal number of blocks to be written.
return SD_MMC_OK if success, otherwise return an error code (sd_mmc_err_t).

References CARD_STATUS_ERR_RD_WR, CARD_TYPE_HC, driver_adtc_start, driver_get_response, SD_MMC_BLOCK_SIZE, sd_mmc_debug, sd_mmc_deselect_slot(), SD_MMC_ERR_COMM, SD_MMC_ERR_WP, sd_mmc_is_mci, sd_mmc_is_write_protected(), sd_mmc_nb_block_remaining, sd_mmc_nb_block_to_tranfer, SD_MMC_OK, sd_mmc_select_slot(), SDMMC_CMD24_WRITE_BLOCK, SDMMC_CMD25_WRITE_MULTIPLE_BLOCK, SDMMC_CMD_GET_INDEX, and sd_mmc_card::type.

Referenced by run_sd_mmc_rw_test().

bool sd_mmc_is_write_protected ( uint8_t  slot)

Get the card write protection status.

slotCard slot
true, if write portected

References ioport_get_pin_level(), sd_mmc_cards, and UNUSED.

Referenced by run_sd_mmc_rw_test(), and sd_mmc_init_write_blocks().

uint8_t sd_mmc_nb_slot ( void  )

Return the number of slot available.

Number of card slot available

References SD_MMC_MEM_CNT.

sd_mmc_err_t sd_mmc_start_read_blocks ( void *  dest,
uint16_t  nb_block 

Start the read blocks of data from the card.

destPointer to read buffer.
nb_blockNumber of blocks to be read.
return SD_MMC_OK if started, otherwise return an error code (sd_mmc_err_t).

References Assert, driver_start_read_blocks, SD_MMC_ERR_COMM, sd_mmc_nb_block_remaining, and SD_MMC_OK.

Referenced by run_sd_mmc_rw_test().

sd_mmc_err_t sd_mmc_start_write_blocks ( const void *  src,
uint16_t  nb_block 

Start the write blocks of data.

srcPointer to write buffer.
nb_blockNumber of blocks to be written.
return SD_MMC_OK if started, otherwise return an error code (sd_mmc_err_t).

References Assert, driver_start_write_blocks, SD_MMC_ERR_COMM, sd_mmc_nb_block_remaining, and SD_MMC_OK.

Referenced by run_sd_mmc_rw_test().

sd_mmc_err_t sd_mmc_wait_end_of_read_blocks ( bool  abort)

Wait the end of read blocks of data from the card.

abortAbort reading process initialized by sd_mmc_init_read_blocks() after the reading issued by sd_mmc_start_read_blocks() is done
return SD_MMC_OK if success, otherwise return an error code (sd_mmc_err_t).

References driver_adtc_stop, driver_wait_end_of_read_blocks, sd_mmc_deselect_slot(), SD_MMC_ERR_COMM, sd_mmc_nb_block_remaining, sd_mmc_nb_block_to_tranfer, SD_MMC_OK, and SDMMC_CMD12_STOP_TRANSMISSION.

Referenced by run_sd_mmc_rw_test().

sd_mmc_err_t sd_mmc_wait_end_of_write_blocks ( bool  abort)

Wait the end of write blocks of data.

abortAbort writing process initialized by sd_mmc_init_write_blocks() after the writing issued by sd_mmc_start_write_blocks() is done
return SD_MMC_OK if success, otherwise return an error code (sd_mmc_err_t).

References driver_adtc_stop, driver_wait_end_of_write_blocks, sd_mmc_deselect_slot(), SD_MMC_ERR_COMM, sd_mmc_is_mci, sd_mmc_nb_block_remaining, sd_mmc_nb_block_to_tranfer, SD_MMC_OK, and SDMMC_CMD12_STOP_TRANSMISSION.

Referenced by run_sd_mmc_rw_test().

sd_mmc_err_t sdio_read_direct ( uint8_t  slot,
uint8_t  func_num,
uint32_t  addr,
uint8_t *  dest 

Read one byte from SDIO using RW_DIRECT command.

slotCard slot to use
func_numFunction number.
addrRegister address to read from.
destPointer to read buffer.
return SD_MMC_OK if success, otherwise return an error code (sd_mmc_err_t).

References sd_mmc_deselect_slot(), SD_MMC_ERR_COMM, SD_MMC_ERR_PARAM, SD_MMC_OK, sd_mmc_select_slot(), sdio_cmd52(), and SDIO_CMD52_READ_FLAG.

Referenced by run_sdio_rw_test().

sd_mmc_err_t sdio_read_extended ( uint8_t  slot,
uint8_t  func_num,
uint32_t  addr,
uint8_t  inc_addr,
uint8_t *  dest,
uint16_t  size 

Read bytes from SDIO using RW_EXTENDED command.

slotCard slot to use
func_numFunction number.
addrFirst register address to read from.
inc_addr0 - The data address is fixed. 1 - The data address increase automatically.
destPointer to read buffer.
sizeNumber of bytes to read (1 ~ 512).
return SD_MMC_OK if success, otherwise return an error code (sd_mmc_err_t).

References driver_start_read_blocks, driver_wait_end_of_read_blocks, sd_mmc_deselect_slot(), SD_MMC_ERR_COMM, SD_MMC_ERR_PARAM, SD_MMC_OK, sd_mmc_select_slot(), sdio_cmd53(), and SDIO_CMD53_READ_FLAG.

Referenced by run_sdio_rw_test().

sd_mmc_err_t sdio_write_direct ( uint8_t  slot,
uint8_t  func_num,
uint32_t  addr,
uint8_t  data 

Write one byte to SDIO using RW_DIRECT command.

slotCard slot to use
func_numFunction number.
addrRegister address to read from.
dataData to be written.
return SD_MMC_OK if success, otherwise return an error code (sd_mmc_err_t).

References sd_mmc_deselect_slot(), SD_MMC_ERR_COMM, SD_MMC_OK, sd_mmc_select_slot(), sdio_cmd52(), and SDIO_CMD52_WRITE_FLAG.

Referenced by run_sdio_rw_test().

sd_mmc_err_t sdio_write_extended ( uint8_t  slot,
uint8_t  func_num,
uint32_t  addr,
uint8_t  inc_addr,
uint8_t *  src,
uint16_t  size 

Write bytes to SDIO using RW_EXTENDED command.

slotCard slot to use
func_numFunction number.
addrFirst register address to write to.
inc_addr0 - The data address is fixed. 1 - The data address increase automatically.
srcPointer to write buffer.
sizeNumber of bytes to read (1 ~ 512).
return SD_MMC_OK if success, otherwise return an error code (sd_mmc_err_t).

References driver_start_write_blocks, driver_wait_end_of_write_blocks, sd_mmc_deselect_slot(), SD_MMC_ERR_COMM, SD_MMC_ERR_PARAM, SD_MMC_OK, sd_mmc_select_slot(), sdio_cmd53(), and SDIO_CMD53_WRITE_FLAG.

Referenced by run_sdio_rw_test().

static int test_call ( void(*)(const struct test_case *)  func,
const struct test_case test 

Call a test or fixture function.

This function will initialize test_failure_jmpbuf and call func with test as the parameter.

funcPointer to function to call.
test_casePointer to the function's originating test case.
TEST_PASS if func was executed successfully, or the result value passed to test_fail() on failure.

References test_failure_jmpbuf, and TEST_PASS.

Referenced by test_case_run().

void test_case_fail ( const struct test_case test,
int  result,
const char *  file,
unsigned int  line,
const char *  fmt,

Report a failure and jump out of current test case function.

testCurrent test case.
resultResult value of failure.
Should not be TEST_PASS.
fileName of file in which function resides.
lineLine number at which failure occurred.
fmtFailure message, as printf-formatted string.
...Values to insert into failure message.

References dbg_error, dbg_putchar, dbg_vprintf_pgm, test_case::name, and test_failure_jmpbuf.

static int test_case_run ( const struct test_case test)

Run a test case.

This function will call the setup, run and cleanup functions of the specified test case, outputting debug information as it goes, then returning the result value of the test case.

If the setup stage does not pass, the rest of the test case if skipped. If the test stage itself does not pass, the cleanup is still executed.

The result from the first non-passing function in the test case is returned, meaning a failing cleanup will override a successful test.

test_caseTest case to run.
TEST_PASS if all functions execute successfully. Otherwise, the first non-zero value which is returned from the test case.

References test_case::cleanup, dbg, dbg_info, test_case::name, test_case::run, test_case::setup, test_call(), test_report_failure(), and test_set_case().

Referenced by test_suite_run().

static struct test_case* test_get_case ( void  )

Get pointer to current test.

References test_case_ptr.

static void* test_get_data ( void  )

Get the private data pointer for the current test.

Pointer to arbitrary run-time data for the test currently being run, previously registered using test_set_data().

References test_priv_data.

static void test_report_failure ( const struct test_case test,
const char *  stage,
int  result 

Report a failing test stage.

testCurrent test case.
stageName of test stage that failed.
resultResult value of test stage.

References dbg_error, and test_case::name.

Referenced by test_case_run().

static void test_set_case ( const struct test_case test)

Set pointer to current test.

Referenced by test_case_run().

static void test_set_data ( void *  data)

Set private data pointer for the current test.

dataPointer to arbitrary run-time data for the test currently being run.

References test_priv_data.

int test_suite_run ( const struct test_suite suite)

Run a test suite.

Run all tests in suite, in the order in which they are found in the array.

The number of tests that didn't pass.

References dbg_info, test_suite::name, test_suite::nr_tests, test_case_run(), TEST_PASS, and test_suite::tests.

Referenced by main().

struct test_case* test_case_ptr = NULL

Pointer to current test case.

See Also
test_set_case(), test_get_case()

Referenced by test_get_case().

struct test_case* test_case_ptr

Pointer to current test case.

See Also
test_set_case(), test_get_case()

Referenced by test_get_case().

jmp_buf test_failure_jmpbuf

Context saved before executing a test or fixture function.

This is used for doing non-local jumps from the test cases on failure.

Referenced by test_call(), and test_case_fail().

void* test_priv_data

Data pointer for test cases.

See Also
test_set_data(), test_get_data()

Referenced by test_get_data(), and test_set_data().

void* test_priv_data

Data pointer for test cases.

See Also
test_set_data(), test_get_data()

Referenced by test_get_data(), and test_set_data().