This simple example reads data from the maXTouch device and sends it over USART as ASCII formatted text.
The maXTouch component API can be found here.
All UC3 and Xmega devices with a TWI module can be used with this component
This example will read data from the connected maXTouch explained board over TWI. This data is then processed and sent over a USART data line to the board controller. The board controller will create a USB CDC class object on the host computer and repeat the incoming USART data from the main controller to the host. On the host this object should appear as a serial port object (COMx on windows, /dev/ttyxxx on your chosen Linux flavour).
Connect a terminal application to the serial port object with the settings Baud: 57600 Data bits: 8-bit Stop bits: 1 bit Parity: None
This software was written for the GNU GCC and IAR for AVR. Other compilers may or may not work.
For further information, visit Microchip.