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WINC1500 IoT Temperature Sensor Demo for SAMD21 XPlained Pro Documentation


This IoT temperature sensor demo is configured to work with the SAM D21 Xplained Pro using the WINC1500 Wi-Fi module. It will basically report temperature sensor information to provided Android application via your home network. The Android application can be located in the android_app folder. It uses the following hardware:

  • the WINC1500 module on EXT1.
  • the IO1 sensors on EXT2 (optional).

Main Files

  • main.c : initialize the SAMD21 system and run the main demo routine
  • demo.c : handle the wifi and sensor logic
  • demo.h : sensor demo header file

Compilation Info

This software was written for the GNU GCC compiler using Atmel Studio 6.2 Other compilers may or may not work.

Contact Information

For further information, visit Microchip.