Microchip® Advanced Software Framework

mqtt_config Struct Reference

MQTT configuration structure.

Configuration struct for a MQTT instance. This structure should be initialized by the mqtt_get_config_defaults function before being modified by the user application.

#include <mqtt.h>

Data Fields

uint16_t keep_alive
 Time value for the keep alive time out. More...
uint16_t port
 TCP port of MQTT. More...
unsigned char * read_buffer
 Rx buffer. More...
uint32_t read_buffer_size
 Maximum size of the receive buffer. More...
unsigned char * send_buffer
 Rx buffer. More...
uint32_t send_buffer_size
 Send buffer size in the MQTT service. More...
uint8_t tls
 A flag for the whether using the TLS socket or not. More...

uint16_t mqtt_config::keep_alive

Time value for the keep alive time out.

Unit is seconds. Default value is 600. (10minutes)

Referenced by mqtt_get_config_defaults(), and mqtt_init().

uint16_t mqtt_config::port

TCP port of MQTT.

Default value is 1883.

Referenced by mqtt_connect(), and mqtt_get_config_defaults().

unsigned char* mqtt_config::read_buffer

Rx buffer.

Default value is NULL.

Referenced by configure_mqtt(), mqtt_get_config_defaults(), and mqtt_init().

uint32_t mqtt_config::read_buffer_size

Maximum size of the receive buffer.

If receiving data over this value, Connection is to be disconnected. Default value is 0.

Referenced by configure_mqtt(), mqtt_get_config_defaults(), and mqtt_init().

unsigned char* mqtt_config::send_buffer

Rx buffer.

Default value is NULL.

Referenced by configure_mqtt(), mqtt_get_config_defaults(), and mqtt_init().

uint32_t mqtt_config::send_buffer_size

Send buffer size in the MQTT service.

This buffer is located in the stack. Therefore, the size of the buffer increases the speed will increase, but it may cause a stack overflow. It MUST bigger than 5. Default value is 32.

Referenced by configure_mqtt(), mqtt_get_config_defaults(), and mqtt_init().

uint8_t mqtt_config::tls

A flag for the whether using the TLS socket or not.

Default value is 0.

Referenced by mqtt_connect(), and mqtt_get_config_defaults().