Microchip® Advanced Software Framework

tstrM2MProvisionInfo Struct Reference

M2M Provisioning Information obtained from the HTTP Provisioning server.

#include <m2m_types.h>

Data Fields

uint8 au8Password [M2M_MAX_PSK_LEN]
uint8 au8SSID [M2M_MAX_SSID_LEN]
uint8 u8SecType
uint8 u8Status

uint8 tstrM2MProvisionInfo::au8Password[M2M_MAX_PSK_LEN]

Provisioned Password.

Referenced by post_main_page(), and wifi_ap_connect().

uint8 tstrM2MProvisionInfo::au8SSID[M2M_MAX_SSID_LEN]

Provisioned SSID.

Referenced by main(), post_main_page(), and wifi_ap_connect().

uint8 tstrM2MProvisionInfo::u8SecType

Wifi Security type.

Referenced by post_main_page(), and wifi_ap_connect().

uint8 tstrM2MProvisionInfo::u8Status

Provisioning status. It must be checked before reading the provisioning information. It may be

  • M2M_SUCCESS : Provision successful.
  • M2M_FAIL : Provision Failed.