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WINC1500 Connecting a Secured AP Using WPS Example for SAML21 XPlained Pro B Documentation


This example demonstrates the use of the WINC1500 with the SAMD21 Xplained Pro board to connect to AP with WPS Security.
It uses the following hardware:

  • the SAMD21 Xplained Pro.
  • the WINC1500 on EXT1.

Main Files

  • main.c : Initialize the WINC1500 and connect AP using WPS.


  1. Assemble the devices and connect to USB debug cable from PC.
  2. On the computer, open and configure a terminal application as the follows.
    * Baud Rate : 115200
    * Data : 8bit
    * Parity bit : none
    * Stop bit : 1bit
    * Flow control : none
  3. Prepare an AP that supports Wi-Fi Protected Setup(WPS)
  4. To test WPS button method, Use case 1 in main function.
  5. Configure below code in the main.h for WPS push button feature.
  6. Press WPS button at the AP. ( For more information, please refer to AP product documentation )
  7. Run the application. The WINC1500 will be connected to the AP automatically without security information.
    * -- WINC1500 security connection with Wi-Fi Protected Setup(WPS) example --
    * -- Compiled: xxx xx xxxx xx:xx:xx --
    * SW0 button pressed
    * Device is connecting using WPS Push Button option
    * Wi-Fi request WPS
    * SSID : xxxxxx, authtyp : x pw : xxxxxxxx
    * Request Wi-Fi connect
    * Wi-Fi connected
    * Wi-Fi IP is xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx
  8. To test WPS PIN method, Use case 2 in main function.
  9. Configure below code in the main.h for WPS PIN number and WPS push button feature.
    * #define WPS_PIN_NUMBER "12345670"
  10. Enter WPS PIN number in the AP setup menu and start the AP. ( For more information, please refer to AP product documentation )
  11. Run the application. The WINC1500 will be connected to the AP automatically without security information.
    * -- WINC1500 security connection with Wi-Fi Protected Setup(WPS) example --
    * -- Compiled: xxx xx xxxx xx:xx:xx --
    * Wi-Fi request WPS
    * SSID : xxxxxx, authtyp : x pw : xxxxxxxx
    * Request Wi-Fi connect
    * Wi-Fi connected
    * Wi-Fi IP is xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx

Compilation Information

This software was written for the GNU GCC compiler using Atmel Studio 6.2 Other compilers may or may not work.

Contact Information

For further information, visit Microchip.