Microchip® Advanced Software Framework

tstrAcceptReply Struct Reference

#include <m2m_socket_host_if.h>

Data Fields

SOCKET sConnectedSock
SOCKET sListenSock
tstrSockAddr strAddr
uint16 u16AppDataOffset

SOCKET tstrAcceptReply::sConnectedSock

Referenced by m2m_ip_cb().

SOCKET tstrAcceptReply::sListenSock

Referenced by m2m_ip_cb().

tstrSockAddr tstrAcceptReply::strAddr

Referenced by m2m_ip_cb().

uint16 tstrAcceptReply::u16AppDataOffset

In further packet send requests the host interface should put the user application data at this offset in the allocated shared data packet.

Referenced by m2m_ip_cb().