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WINC3400 AP Scan Example - SAMD21 XPlained Pro Documentation


This example demonstrates the use of the WINC3400 with the SAM Xplained Pro board to scan for access point.
It uses the following hardware:

  • the SAM Xplained Pro.
  • the WINC3400 on EXT1.

Main Files

  • main.c : Initialize the WINC3400 and scan AP until defined AP is found.


  1. The connection parameters can be configured in main.h.
    * #define MAIN_WLAN_SSID "DEMO_AP"
    * #define MAIN_WLAN_PSK "12345678"
  2. Build the program and download it into the board.
  3. On the computer, open and configure a terminal application as the follows.
    * Baud Rate : 115200
    * Data : 8bit
    * Parity bit : none
    * Stop bit : 1bit
    * Flow control : none
  4. Start the application.
  5. In the terminal window, the following text should appear:
    * -- WINC3400 AP scan example --
    * -- SAM_XPLAINED_PRO --
    * -- Compiled: xxx xx xxxx xx:xx:xx --
    * [1] SSID:DEMO_AP1
    * [2] SSID:DEMO_AP2
    * [3] SSID:DEMO_AP
    * Found DEMO_AP
    * Wi-Fi connected
    * Wi-Fi IP is xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx

Compilation Information

This software was written for the GNU GCC compiler using Atmel Studio 6.2 Other compilers are not guaranteed to work.

Contact Information

For further information, visit Microchip.