Microchip® Advanced Software Framework

tstrM2MStopScanOption Struct Reference

This struct holds additional configuration options for Wi-Fi scan.

These scan options should be set by the application prior to issuing the scan request, and once configured, WINC will keep the settings until the scan options are set again, via the same API, or until the device is either reset or power cycled.

#include <m2m_types.h>

Data Fields

uint8 au8Rsv [3]
uint8 u8StopOnFirstResult

uint8 tstrM2MStopScanOption::au8Rsv[3]

Reserved for future use. Set to 0.

uint8 tstrM2MStopScanOption::u8StopOnFirstResult

Stop scan as soon as an SSID is detected. 1 = Enabled, 0 = Disabled (default)

Referenced by m2m_wifi_set_stop_scan_on_first().