Microchip® Advanced Software Framework

opt.h File Reference

lwIP Options Configuration

#include "lwipopts.h"
#include "lwip/debug.h"


 SYS_LIGHTWEIGHT_PROT==1: if you want inter-task protection for certain critical regions during buffer allocation, deallocation and memory allocation and deallocation. More...


SYS_LIGHTWEIGHT_PROT==1: if you want inter-task protection for certain critical regions during buffer allocation, deallocation and memory allocation and deallocation.

NO_SYS==1: Provides VERY minimal functionality. Otherwise, use lwIP facilities. NO_SYS_NO_TIMERS==1: Drop support for sys_timeout when NO_SYS==1 Mainly for compatibility to old versions. MEMCPY: override this if you have a faster implementation at hand than the one included in your C library SMEMCPY: override this with care! Some compilers (e.g. gcc) can inline a call to memcpy() if the length is known at compile time and is small. LWIP_MPU_COMPATIBLE: enables special memory management mechanism which makes lwip able to work on MPU (Memory Protection Unit) system by not passing stack-pointers to other threads (this decreases performance) MEM_LIBC_MALLOC==1: Use malloc/free/realloc provided by your C-library instead of the lwip internal allocator. Can save code size if you already use it. MEMP_MEM_MALLOC==1: Use mem_malloc/mem_free instead of the lwip pool allocator. Especially useful with MEM_LIBC_MALLOC but handle with care regarding execution speed and usage from interrupts! MEM_ALIGNMENT: should be set to the alignment of the CPU 4 byte alignment -> #define MEM_ALIGNMENT 4 2 byte alignment -> #define MEM_ALIGNMENT 2 MEM_SIZE: the size of the heap memory. If the application will send a lot of data that needs to be copied, this should be set high. MEMP_SEPARATE_POOLS: if defined to 1, each pool is placed in its own array. This can be used to individually change the location of each pool. Default is one big array for all pools MEMP_OVERFLOW_CHECK: memp overflow protection reserves a configurable amount of bytes before and after each memp element in every pool and fills it with a prominent default value. MEMP_OVERFLOW_CHECK == 0 no checking MEMP_OVERFLOW_CHECK == 1 checks each element when it is freed MEMP_OVERFLOW_CHECK >= 2 checks each element in every pool every time memp_malloc() or memp_free() is called (useful but slow!) MEMP_SANITY_CHECK==1: run a sanity check after each memp_free() to make sure that there are no cycles in the linked lists. MEM_USE_POOLS==1: Use an alternative to malloc() by allocating from a set of memory pools of various sizes. When mem_malloc is called, an element of the smallest pool that can provide the length needed is returned. To use this, MEMP_USE_CUSTOM_POOLS also has to be enabled. MEM_USE_POOLS_TRY_BIGGER_POOL==1: if one malloc-pool is empty, try the next bigger pool - WARNING: THIS MIGHT WASTE MEMORY but it can make a system more reliable. MEMP_USE_CUSTOM_POOLS==1: whether to include a user file lwippools.h that defines additional pools beyond the "standard" ones required by lwIP. If you set this to 1, you must have lwippools.h in your include path somewhere. Set this to 1 if you want to free PBUF_RAM pbufs (or call mem_free()) from interrupt context (or another context that doesn't allow waiting for a semaphore). If set to 1, mem_malloc will be protected by a semaphore and SYS_ARCH_PROTECT, while mem_free will only use SYS_ARCH_PROTECT. mem_malloc SYS_ARCH_UNPROTECTs with each loop so that mem_free can run.

ATTENTION: As you can see from the above description, this leads to dis-/ enabling interrupts often, which can be slow! Also, on low memory, mem_malloc can need longer.

If you don't want that, at least for NO_SYS=0, you can still use the following functions to enqueue a deallocation call which then runs in the tcpip_thread context:

  • pbuf_free_callback(p);
  • mem_free_callback(m); MEMP_NUM_PBUF: the number of memp struct pbufs (used for PBUF_ROM and PBUF_REF). If the application sends a lot of data out of ROM (or other static memory), this should be set high. MEMP_NUM_RAW_PCB: Number of raw connection PCBs (requires the LWIP_RAW option) MEMP_NUM_UDP_PCB: the number of UDP protocol control blocks. One per active UDP "connection". (requires the LWIP_UDP option) MEMP_NUM_TCP_PCB: the number of simultaneously active TCP connections. (requires the LWIP_TCP option) MEMP_NUM_TCP_PCB_LISTEN: the number of listening TCP connections. (requires the LWIP_TCP option) MEMP_NUM_TCP_SEG: the number of simultaneously queued TCP segments. (requires the LWIP_TCP option) MEMP_NUM_REASSDATA: the number of IP packets simultaneously queued for reassembly (whole packets, not fragments!) MEMP_NUM_FRAG_PBUF: the number of IP fragments simultaneously sent (fragments, not whole packets!). This is only used with IP_FRAG_USES_STATIC_BUF==0 and LWIP_NETIF_TX_SINGLE_PBUF==0 and only has to be > 1 with DMA-enabled MACs where the packet is not yet sent when netif->output returns. MEMP_NUM_ARP_QUEUE: the number of simultaneously queued outgoing packets (pbufs) that are waiting for an ARP request (to resolve their destination address) to finish. (requires the ARP_QUEUEING option) MEMP_NUM_IGMP_GROUP: The number of multicast groups whose network interfaces can be members at the same time (one per netif - allsystems group -, plus one per netif membership). (requires the LWIP_IGMP option) MEMP_NUM_SYS_TIMEOUT: the number of simultaneously active timeouts. The default number of timeouts is calculated here for all enabled modules. The formula expects settings to be either '0' or '1'. MEMP_NUM_NETBUF: the number of struct netbufs. (only needed if you use the sequential API, like api_lib.c) MEMP_NUM_NETCONN: the number of struct netconns. (only needed if you use the sequential API, like api_lib.c) MEMP_NUM_TCPIP_MSG_API: the number of struct tcpip_msg, which are used for callback/timeout API communication. (only needed if you use tcpip.c) MEMP_NUM_TCPIP_MSG_INPKT: the number of struct tcpip_msg, which are used for incoming packets. (only needed if you use tcpip.c) MEMP_NUM_SNMP_NODE: the number of leafs in the SNMP tree. MEMP_NUM_SNMP_ROOTNODE: the number of branches in the SNMP tree. Every branch has one leaf (MEMP_NUM_SNMP_NODE) at least! MEMP_NUM_SNMP_VARBIND: the number of concurrent requests (does not have to be changed normally) - 2 of these are used per request (1 for input, 1 for output) MEMP_NUM_SNMP_VALUE: the number of OID or values concurrently used (does not have to be changed normally) - 3 of these are used per request (1 for the value read and 2 for OIDs - input and output) MEMP_NUM_NETDB: the number of concurrently running lwip_addrinfo() calls (before freeing the corresponding memory using lwip_freeaddrinfo()). MEMP_NUM_LOCALHOSTLIST: the number of host entries in the local host list if DNS_LOCAL_HOSTLIST_IS_DYNAMIC==1. MEMP_NUM_PPP_PCB: the number of simultaneously active PPP connections (requires the PPP_SUPPORT option) MEMP_NUM_PPPOE_INTERFACES: the number of concurrently active PPPoE interfaces (only used with PPPOE_SUPPORT==1) MEMP_NUM_PPPOL2TP_INTERFACES: the number of concurrently active PPPoL2TP interfaces (only used with PPPOL2TP_SUPPORT==1) PBUF_POOL_SIZE: the number of buffers in the pbuf pool. MEMP_NUM_API_MSG: the number of concurrently active calls to various socket, netconn, and tcpip functionsMEMP_NUM_DNS_API_MSG: the number of concurrently active calls to netconn_gethostbyname MEMP_NUM_SOCKET_SETGETSOCKOPT_DATA: the number of concurrently active calls to getsockopt/setsockopt MEMP_NUM_NETIFAPI_MSG: the number of concurrently active calls to the netifapi functions LWIP_ARP==1: Enable ARP functionality. ARP_TABLE_SIZE: Number of active MAC-IP address pairs cached. ARP_QUEUEING==1: Multiple outgoing packets are queued during hardware address resolution. By default, only the most recent packet is queued per IP address. This is sufficient for most protocols and mainly reduces TCP connection startup time. Set this to 1 if you know your application sends more than one packet in a row to an IP address that is not in the ARP cache.The maximum number of packets which may be queued for each unresolved address by other network layers. Defaults to 3, 0 means disabled. Old packets are dropped, new packets are queued. ETHARP_TRUST_IP_MAC==1: Incoming IP packets cause the ARP table to be updated with the source MAC and IP addresses supplied in the packet. You may want to disable this if you do not trust LAN peers to have the correct addresses, or as a limited approach to attempt to handle spoofing. If disabled, lwIP will need to make a new ARP request if the peer is not already in the ARP table, adding a little latency. The peer is in the ARP table if it requested our address before. Also notice that this slows down input processing of every IP packet! ETHARP_SUPPORT_VLAN==1: support receiving and sending ethernet packets with VLAN header. See the description of LWIP_HOOK_VLAN_CHECK and LWIP_HOOK_VLAN_SET hooks to check/set VLAN headers. Additionally, you can define ETHARP_VLAN_CHECK to an u16_t VLAN ID to check. If ETHARP_VLAN_CHECK is defined, only VLAN-traffic for this VLAN is accepted. If ETHARP_VLAN_CHECK is not defined, all traffic is accepted. Alternatively, define a function/define ETHARP_VLAN_CHECK_FN(eth_hdr, vlan) that returns 1 to accept a packet or 0 to drop a packet. LWIP_ETHERNET==1: enable ethernet support for PPPoE even though ARP might be disabled ETH_PAD_SIZE: number of bytes added before the ethernet header to ensure alignment of payload after that header. Since the header is 14 bytes long, without this padding e.g. addresses in the IP header will not be aligned on a 32-bit boundary, so setting this to 2 can speed up 32-bit-platforms. ETHARP_SUPPORT_STATIC_ENTRIES==1: enable code to support static ARP table entries (using etharp_add_static_entry/etharp_remove_static_entry). IP_FORWARD==1: Enables the ability to forward IP packets across network interfaces. If you are going to run lwIP on a device with only one network interface, define this to 0. IP_OPTIONS_ALLOWED: Defines the behavior for IP options. IP_OPTIONS_ALLOWED==0: All packets with IP options are dropped. IP_OPTIONS_ALLOWED==1: IP options are allowed (but not parsed). IP_REASSEMBLY==1: Reassemble incoming fragmented IP packets. Note that this option does not affect outgoing packet sizes, which can be controlled via IP_FRAG. IP_FRAG==1: Fragment outgoing IP packets if their size exceeds MTU. Note that this option does not affect incoming packet sizes, which can be controlled via IP_REASSEMBLY. IP_REASS_MAXAGE: Maximum time (in multiples of IP_TMR_INTERVAL - so seconds, normally) a fragmented IP packet waits for all fragments to arrive. If not all fragments arrived in this time, the whole packet is discarded. IP_REASS_MAX_PBUFS: Total maximum amount of pbufs waiting to be reassembled. Since the received pbufs are enqueued, be sure to configure PBUF_POOL_SIZE > IP_REASS_MAX_PBUFS so that the stack is still able to receive packets even if the maximum amount of fragments is enqueued for reassembly! IP_FRAG_USES_STATIC_BUF==1: Use a static MTU-sized buffer for IP fragmentation. Otherwise pbufs are allocated and reference the original packet data to be fragmented (or with LWIP_NETIF_TX_SINGLE_PBUF==1, new PBUF_RAM pbufs are used for fragments). ATTENTION: IP_FRAG_USES_STATIC_BUF==1 may not be used for DMA-enabled MACs! IP_FRAG_MAX_MTU: Assumed max MTU on any interface for IP frag buffer (requires IP_FRAG_USES_STATIC_BUF==1) IP_DEFAULT_TTL: Default value for Time-To-Live used by transport layers. IP_SOF_BROADCAST=1: Use the SOF_BROADCAST field to enable broadcast filter per pcb on udp and raw send operations. To enable broadcast filter on recv operations, you also have to set IP_SOF_BROADCAST_RECV=1. IP_SOF_BROADCAST_RECV (requires IP_SOF_BROADCAST=1) enable the broadcast filter on recv operations. IP_FORWARD_ALLOW_TX_ON_RX_NETIF==1: allow ip_forward() to send packets back out on the netif where it was received. This should only be used for wireless networks. ATTENTION: When this is 1, make sure your netif driver correctly marks incoming link-layer-broadcast/multicast packets as such using the corresponding pbuf flags! LWIP_RANDOMIZE_INITIAL_LOCAL_PORTS==1: randomize the local port for the first local TCP/UDP pcb (default==0). This can prevent creating predictable port numbers after booting a device. LWIP_ICMP==1: Enable ICMP module inside the IP stack. Be careful, disable that make your product non-compliant to RFC1122 ICMP_TTL: Default value for Time-To-Live used by ICMP packets. LWIP_BROADCAST_PING==1: respond to broadcast pings (default is unicast only) LWIP_MULTICAST_PING==1: respond to multicast pings (default is unicast only) LWIP_RAW==1: Enable application layer to hook into the IP layer itself. LWIP_RAW==1: Enable application layer to hook into the IP layer itself. LWIP_DHCP==1: Enable DHCP module. DHCP_DOES_ARP_CHECK==1: Do an ARP check on the offered address. LWIP_DHCP_CHECK_LINK_UP==1: dhcp_start() only really starts if the netif has NETIF_FLAG_LINK_UP set in its flags. As this is only an optimization and netif drivers might not set this flag, the default is off. If enabled, netif_set_link_up() must be called to continue dhcp starting. LWIP_DHCP_BOOTP_FILE==1: Store offered_si_addr and boot_file_name. LWIP_AUTOIP==1: Enable AUTOIP module. LWIP_DHCP_AUTOIP_COOP==1: Allow DHCP and AUTOIP to be both enabled on the same interface at the same time. LWIP_DHCP_AUTOIP_COOP_TRIES: Set to the number of DHCP DISCOVER probes that should be sent before falling back on AUTOIP. This can be set as low as 1 to get an AutoIP address very quickly, but you should be prepared to handle a changing IP address when DHCP overrides AutoIP. LWIP_SNMP==1: Turn on SNMP module. UDP must be available for SNMP transport. SNMP_CONCURRENT_REQUESTS: Number of concurrent requests the module will allow. At least one request buffer is required. Does not have to be changed unless external MIBs answer request asynchronously SNMP_TRAP_DESTINATIONS: Number of trap destinations. At least one trap destination is required SNMP_PRIVATE_MIB: When using a private MIB, you have to create a file 'private_mib.h' that contains a 'struct mib_array_node mib_private' which contains your MIB. Only allow SNMP write actions that are 'safe' (e.g. disabling netifs is not a safe action and disabled when SNMP_SAFE_REQUESTS = 1). Unsafe requests are disabled by default! The maximum length of strings used. This affects the size of MEMP_SNMP_VALUE elements. The maximum depth of the SNMP tree. With private MIBs enabled, this depends on your MIB! This affects the size of MEMP_SNMP_VALUE elements. The size of the MEMP_SNMP_VALUE elements, normally calculated from SNMP_MAX_OCTET_STRING_LEN and SNMP_MAX_TREE_DEPTH. LWIP_IGMP==1: Turn on IGMP module. LWIP_DNS==1: Turn on DNS module. UDP must be available for DNS transport.DNS maximum number of entries to maintain locally. DNS maximum host name length supported in the name table. The maximum of DNS servers DNS do a name checking between the query and the response. DNS_LOCAL_HOSTLIST: Implements a local host-to-address list. If enabled, you have to define #define DNS_LOCAL_HOSTLIST_INIT {{"host1", 0x123}, {"host2", 0x234}} (an array of structs name/address, where address is an u32_t in network byte order).

Instead, you can also use an external function: #define DNS_LOOKUP_LOCAL_EXTERN(x) extern u32_t my_lookup_function(const char *name) that returns the IP address or INADDR_NONE if not found.If this is turned on, the local host-list can be dynamically changed at runtime. LWIP_UDP==1: Turn on UDP. LWIP_UDPLITE==1: Turn on UDP-Lite. (Requires LWIP_UDP) UDP_TTL: Default Time-To-Live value. LWIP_NETBUF_RECVINFO==1: append destination addr and port to every netbuf. LWIP_TCP==1: Turn on TCP. TCP_TTL: Default Time-To-Live value. TCP_WND: The size of a TCP window. This must be at least (2 * TCP_MSS) for things to work well TCP_MAXRTX: Maximum number of retransmissions of data segments. TCP_SYNMAXRTX: Maximum number of retransmissions of SYN segments. TCP_QUEUE_OOSEQ==1: TCP will queue segments that arrive out of order. Define to 0 if your device is low on memory. TCP_MSS: TCP Maximum segment size. (default is 536, a conservative default, you might want to increase this.) For the receive side, this MSS is advertised to the remote side when opening a connection. For the transmit size, this MSS sets an upper limit on the MSS advertised by the remote host. TCP_CALCULATE_EFF_SEND_MSS: "The maximum size of a segment that TCP really sends, the 'effective send MSS,' MUST be the smaller of the send MSS (which reflects the available reassembly buffer size at the remote host) and the largest size permitted by the IP layer" (RFC 1122) Setting this to 1 enables code that checks TCP_MSS against the MTU of the netif used for a connection and limits the MSS if it would be too big otherwise. TCP_SND_BUF: TCP sender buffer space (bytes). To achieve good performance, this should be at least 2 * TCP_MSS. TCP_SND_QUEUELEN: TCP sender buffer space (pbufs). This must be at least as much as (2 * TCP_SND_BUF/TCP_MSS) for things to work. TCP_SNDLOWAT: TCP writable space (bytes). This must be less than TCP_SND_BUF. It is the amount of space which must be available in the TCP snd_buf for select to return writable (combined with TCP_SNDQUEUELOWAT). TCP_SNDQUEUELOWAT: TCP writable bufs (pbuf count). This must be less than TCP_SND_QUEUELEN. If the number of pbufs queued on a pcb drops below this number, select returns writable (combined with TCP_SNDLOWAT). TCP_OOSEQ_MAX_BYTES: The maximum number of bytes queued on ooseq per pcb. Default is 0 (no limit). Only valid for TCP_QUEUE_OOSEQ==0. TCP_OOSEQ_MAX_PBUFS: The maximum number of pbufs queued on ooseq per pcb. Default is 0 (no limit). Only valid for TCP_QUEUE_OOSEQ==0. TCP_LISTEN_BACKLOG: Enable the backlog option for tcp listen pcb. The maximum allowed backlog for TCP listen netconns. This backlog is used unless another is explicitly specified. 0xff is the maximum (u8_t). TCP_OVERSIZE: The maximum number of bytes that tcp_write may allocate ahead of time in an attempt to create shorter pbuf chains for transmission. The meaningful range is 0 to TCP_MSS. Some suggested values are:

0: Disable oversized allocation. Each tcp_write() allocates a new pbuf (old behaviour). 1: Allocate size-aligned pbufs with minimal excess. Use this if your scatter-gather DMA requires aligned fragments. 128: Limit the pbuf/memory overhead to 20%. TCP_MSS: Try to create unfragmented TCP packets. TCP_MSS/4: Try to create 4 fragments or less per TCP packet. LWIP_TCP_TIMESTAMPS==1: support the TCP timestamp option. The timestamp option is currently only used to help remote hosts, it is not really used locally. Therefore, it is only enabled when a TS option is received in the initial SYN packet from a remote host. TCP_WND_UPDATE_THRESHOLD: difference in window to trigger an explicit window update LWIP_EVENT_API and LWIP_CALLBACK_API: Only one of these should be set to 1. LWIP_EVENT_API==1: The user defines lwip_tcp_event() to receive all events (accept, sent, etc) that happen in the system. LWIP_CALLBACK_API==1: The PCB callback function is called directly for the event. This is the default. LWIP_WND_SCALE and TCP_RCV_SCALE: Set LWIP_WND_SCALE to 1 to enable window scaling. Set TCP_RCV_SCALE to the desired scaling factor (shift count in the range of [0..14]). When LWIP_WND_SCALE is enabled but TCP_RCV_SCALE is 0, we can use a large send window while having a small receive window only. PBUF_LINK_HLEN: the number of bytes that should be allocated for a link level header. The default is 14, the standard value for Ethernet. PBUF_POOL_BUFSIZE: the size of each pbuf in the pbuf pool. The default is designed to accommodate single full size TCP frame in one pbuf, including TCP_MSS, IP header, and link header. PBUF_LINK_ENCAPSULATION_HLEN: the number of bytes that should be allocated for an additional encapsulation header before ethernet headers (e.g. 802.11)

Referenced by pbuf_alloc().