Microchip® Advanced Software Framework

tstrM2MMulticastMac Struct Reference

This struct contains the information from the Multicast filter.

#include <m2m_types.h>

Data Fields

uint8 __PAD8__
uint8 au8macaddress [M2M_MAC_ADDRES_LEN]
uint8 u8AddRemove

uint8 tstrM2MMulticastMac::__PAD8__

Padding bytes for forcing 4-byte alignment

uint8 tstrM2MMulticastMac::au8macaddress[M2M_MAC_ADDRES_LEN]

Mac address needed to be added or removed from filter.

uint8 tstrM2MMulticastMac::u8AddRemove

Set by 1 to add or 0 to remove from filter.