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        Here are listed all the functions that implement the Wifi Crypto APIs.


sint8 m2m_wifi_prng_get_random_bytes (uint8 *pu8PrngBuff, uint16 u16PrngSize)
 Get random bytes using the PRNG bytes. More...

sint8 m2m_wifi_prng_get_random_bytes ( uint8 pu8PrngBuff,
uint16  u16PrngSize 

Get random bytes using the PRNG bytes.

Asynchronous function for retrieving from the firmware a pseudo-random set of bytes.

[in]u16PrngSizeSize of the required random bytes to be generated.
[in]pu8PrngBuffPointer to user allocated buffer.
The function SHALL return M2M_SUCCESS for success and a negative value otherwise.
Asynchronous function for retrieving from the firmware a pseudo-random set of bytes as specified in the size passed in as a parameter.
The registered wifi-cb function retrieves the random bytes through the response @ref M2M_WIFI_RESP_GET_PRNG
[in]pu8PrngBuffPointer to a buffer to receive data.
[in]u16PrngSizeRequest size in bytes
Size greater than the maximum specified (M2M_BUFFER_MAX_SIZE - sizeof(tstrPrng)) causes a negative error M2M_ERR_FAIL.
The function returns M2M_SUCCESS for successful operations and a negative value otherwise.

References hif_send(), M2M_BUFFER_MAX_SIZE, M2M_ERR, M2M_ERR_FAIL, M2M_REQ_DATA_PKT, M2M_REQ_GROUP_WIFI, M2M_WIFI_REQ_GET_PRNG, NULL, tstrPrng::pu8RngBuff, and tstrPrng::u16PrngSize.