Microchip® Advanced Software Framework

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Data Structures
Here are the data structures with brief descriptions:
oCgenclk_configHardware representation of a set of generic clock parameters
oCin_addrIPv4 address representation
oCpdc_packetPDC data packet for transfer
oCpll_configHardware-specific representation of PLL configuration
oCs_interrupt_sourceDescribes a PIO interrupt source, including the PIO instance triggering the interrupt and the associated interrupt handler
oCs_msg_wifi_productMessage format definitions
oCsam_uart_optOption list for UART peripheral initialization
oCsockaddrGeneric socket address structure
oCsockaddr_inSocket address structure for IPV4 addresses. Used to specify socket address information to connect to. Can be cast to sockaddr structure
oCStructCPtrStructure of pointers to constant 64-, 32-, 16- and 8-bit unsigned integers
oCStructCVPtrStructure of pointers to constant volatile 64-, 32-, 16- and 8-bit unsigned integers
oCStructPtrStructure of pointers to 64-, 32-, 16- and 8-bit unsigned integers
oCStructVPtrStructure of pointers to volatile 64-, 32-, 16- and 8-bit unsigned integers
oCtstrConnectAlpnReplyConnect Reply, contains sock number, error value and index of negotiated application protocol
oCtstrConnectReplyConnect Reply, contains sock number and error value
oCtstrDnsReplyDNS Reply, contains hostName and HostIP
oCtstrECDomainParamECC Curve Domain Parameters
oCtstrECPointElliptic Curve point representation
oCtstrEllipticCurveDefinition of an elliptic curve
oCtstrEthInitParamStructure to hold Ethernet interface parameters. Structure is to be defined and have its attributes set, based on the application's functionality before a call is made to initialize the wi-fi operations by calling the m2m_wifi_init function. Part of the wi-fi configuration structure tstrWifiInitParam. Applications shouldn't need to define this structure, if the bypass mode is not defined
oCtstrHifHdrStructure to hold HIF header
oCtstrI2cMasterInitParamI2C master configuration parameters
oCtstrM2MAPConfigThis structure holds the configuration parameters for the AP mode. It should be set by the application when it requests to enable the AP operation mode. The AP mode currently supports only OPEN and WEP security
oCtstrM2MAPConfigExtAP Configuration Extension
oCtstrM2MAPModeConfigAP Configuration
oCtstrM2mBatteryVoltageThis struct stores the battery voltage
oCtstrM2mBleApiMsgThis struct contains a BLE message
oCtstrM2MBLEInfoBLE Result
oCtstrM2mClientStateThis struct contains the information for the PS Client state
oCtstrM2mConnCredCmnWi-Fi Connect Credentials Common section
oCtstrM2mConnCredHdrWi-Fi Connect Credentials Header
oCtstrM2MConnInfoThis struct contains the connection information
oCtstrM2MDefaultConnRespThis struct contains the response error of m2m_default_connect
oCtstrM2MDeviceNameConfigThis struct contains the Device Name of the WINC. It is used mainly for Wi-Fi Direct device discovery and WPS device information
oCtstrM2mEnableLogsThis struct stores logging information
oCtstrM2MGainTableThis struct contains the information of the gain table index from flash to be used
oCtstrM2MGainTableRspThis struct contains response when the firmware has failed to configure the gains from flash
oCtstrM2MGenericRespGeneric success/error response
oCtstrM2MIPConfigThis struct contains the static IP configuration
oCtstrM2mIpCtrlBufStructure holding the incoming buffer's data size information, indicating the data size of the buffer and the remaining buffer's data size. The data of the buffer which holds the packet sent to the host when in the bypass mode, is placed in the tstrEthInitParam::au8ethRcvBuf attribute. This following information is retrieved in the host when an event M2M_WIFI_RESP_ETHERNET_RX_PACKET is received in the Wi-Fi callback function tpfAppWifiCb
oCtstrM2mIpRsvdPktThis struct contains the size and data offset for the received packet
oCtstrM2mLsnIntThis struct contains the Listen Interval. It is the value of the Wi-Fi StA Listen Interval when power save is enabled. It is given in units of Beacon period. It is the number of Beacon periods the WINC can sleep before it wakes up to receive data buffered for it in the AP
oCtstrM2MMulticastMacThis struct contains the information from the Multicast filter
oCtstrM2MP2PConnectThis struct contains the Listen Channel for P2P connect
oCtstrM2MProvisionInfoThis struct contains the provisioning information obtained from the HTTP Provisioning server
oCtstrM2MProvisionModeConfigThis struct contains the provisioning mode configuration
oCtstrM2mPsTypeThis struct contains the Power Save configuration
oCtstrM2mPwrStateThis struct stores the Power Save modes
oCtstrM2mReqScanResultThe Wi-Fi Scan results list is stored in firmware. This struct contains the index by which the application can request a certain scan result
oCtstrM2mRevStructure holding firmware version parameters and build date/time
oCtstrM2MScanThis struct contains the Wi-Fi scan request
oCtstrM2mScanDoneThis struct contains the Wi-Fi scan result
oCtstrM2MScanOptionThis struct contains the configuration options for Wi-Fi scan
oCtstrM2MScanRegionThis struct contains the Wi-Fi information for the channel regions
oCtstrM2MservercmdThis struct contains the information for the PS Server command
oCtstrM2mServerInitThis struct contains the information for the PS Server initialization
oCtstrM2mSetMacAddressThis struct contains the MAC address to be used. The WINC loads the mac address from the efuse by default to the WINC configuration memory, however, the application can overwrite the configuration memory with the mac address indicated from the Host
oCtstrM2mSha256CtxtSHA256 context data
oCtstrM2mSlpReqTimeThis struct contains the sleep time for the Power Save request
oCtstrM2MSNTPConfigSNTP Client Configuration
oCtstrM2MStopScanOptionThis struct holds additional configuration options for Wi-Fi scan
oCtstrM2mTxPwrLevelThis struct stores the Tx Power levels
oCtstrM2mWifi1xHdrWi-Fi Authentication 802.1x header for parameters. The parameters (Domain, UserName, PrivateKey/Password) are appended to this structure
oCtstrM2mWifiApIdSpecify an access point (by SSID)
oCtstrM2mWifiAuthInfoHdrGeneric Wi-Fi authentication information to be sent in a separate HIF message of type M2M_WIFI_IND_CONN_PARAM (preceding M2M_WIFI_REQ_CONN)
oCtstrM2mWifiConnectLegacy_1_2Wi-Fi Connect Request IMPORTANT: This structure is required only for legacy M2M_WIFI_REQ_CONNECT messages. For general usage, this structure is replaced by tstrM2mWifiConnHdr
oCtstrM2mWifiConnHdrWi-Fi Connect Request (new format) for use with M2M_WIFI_REQ_CONN. This structure is sent across the HIF along with the relevant auth details. One of: tstrM2mWifiPsk tstrM2mWifiWep tstrM2mWifi1xHdr If further authentication details need to be sent (such as client certificate for 1x TLS), they are sent with header tstrM2mWifiAuthInfoHdr in a preceding HIF message of type M2M_WIFI_IND_CONN_PARAM
oCtstrM2MWifiMonitorModeCtrlThis struct contains the Wi-Fi Monitor Mode Filter. It sets the filtering criteria for WLAN packets when monitoring mode is enabled. The received packets matching the filtering parameters, are passed directly to the application
oCtstrM2mWifiPskInfoPassphrase and PSK for WPA(2) PSK
oCtstrM2mWiFiRoamingRoaming related information
oCtstrM2MWifiRxPacketInfoThis struct contains the Wi-Fi RX Frame Header. The M2M application has the ability to allow Wi-Fi monitoring mode for receiving all Wi-Fi Raw frames matching a well defined filtering criteria. When a target Wi-Fi packet is received, the header information are extracted and assigned in this structure
oCtstrM2mWifiscanResultThis struct contains the information corresponding to an AP in the scan result list identified by its order (index) in the list
oCtstrM2MWifiSecInfoLegacy_1_2Authentication credentials to connect to a Wi-Fi network. IMPORTANT: This structure is required only for legacy M2M_WIFI_REQ_CONNECT messages
oCtstrM2mWifiStateChangedThis struct contains the Wi-Fi connection state
oCtstrM2MWifiTxPacketInfoThis struct contains the Wi-Fi TX Packet Info. The M2M Application has the ability to compose raw Wi-Fi frames (under the application responsibility). When transmitting a Wi-Fi packet, the application must supply the firmware with this structure for sending the target frame
oCtstrM2mWifiWepWEP security key header
oCtstrM2mWifiWepParamsLegacy_1_2WEP security key parameters. IMPORTANT: This structure is required only for legacy M2M_WIFI_REQ_CONNECT messages
oCtstrM2MWPSConnectThis struct stores the WPS configuration parameters
oCtstrM2MWPSInfoWPS Result
oCtstrNmBusCapabilitiesStructure holding bus capabilities information
oCtstrNmI2cDefaultStructure holding I2C default operation parameters
oCtstrNmI2cSpecialStructure holding I2C special operation parameters
oCtstrNmSpiRwStructure holding SPI R/W parameters
oCtstrNmUartDefaultStructure holding UART default operation parameters
oCtstrOtaControlSecControl Section Structure. The Control Section is used to define the working image and the validity of the roll-back image and its offset, also both firmware versions are kept in this structure
oCtstrOtaInitHdrThis struct contains the OTA image header
oCtstrOtaUpdateInfoThis struct contains the OTA update information
oCtstrOtaUpdateStatusRespThis struct contains the OTA update status
oCtstrPerphInitParamPeripheral module initialization parameters
oCtstrPrngM2M Request PRNG
oCtstrRootCertEcdsaKeyInfoInfo about a ECDSA public key
oCtstrRootCertEntryHeaderHeader of a root certificate entry in flash
oCtstrRootCertFlashHeaderHeader of the root certificate flash storage area
oCtstrRootCertPubKeyInfoInfo about the public key contained in a root certificate
oCtstrRootCertRsaKeyInfoInfo about a RSA public key
oCtstrSendReplySend Reply, contains socket number and number of sent bytes
oCtstrSockErrDetail about socket failures. Used with get_error_detail
oCtstrSocketAcceptMsgSocket accept status
oCtstrSocketBindMsgSocket bind status
oCtstrSocketConnectMsgSocket connect status
oCtstrSocketListenMsgSocket listen status
oCtstrSocketRecvMsgSocket recv status
oCtstrSystemTimeThis struct contains the system time
oCtstrTlsSrvSecFileEntryThis struct contains a TLS certificate
oCtstrTlsSrvSecHdrThis struct contains a set of TLS certificates
Structure, holding the Wi-fi configuration attributes such as the wi-fi callback , monitoring mode callback and Ethernet parameter initialization structure.
oCtuniM2MWifiAuthLegacy_1_2Wi-Fi Security Parameters for all supported security modes. IMPORTANT: This structure is required only for legacy M2M_WIFI_REQ_CONNECT messages
oCuart_rs232_optionsInput parameters when initializing RS232 and similar modes
oCUnion1616-bit union
oCUnion3232-bit union
oCUnion6464-bit union
oCUnionCPtrUnion of pointers to constant 64-, 32-, 16- and 8-bit unsigned integers
oCUnionCVPtrUnion of pointers to constant volatile 64-, 32-, 16- and 8-bit unsigned integers
oCUnionPtrUnion of pointers to 64-, 32-, 16- and 8-bit unsigned integers
oCUnionVPtrUnion of pointers to volatile 64-, 32-, 16- and 8-bit unsigned integers