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WINC3400 Simple TCP Client Example - SAMD21 XPlained Pro Documentation


This example demonstrates the use of the WINC3400 with the SAMD21 Xplained Pro board to test TCP client.
It uses the following hardware:

  • the SAMD21 Xplained Pro.
  • the WINC3400 on EXT1.

Main Files

  • main.c : Initialize the WINC3400 and test TCP client.


  1. Configure below code in the main.h for AP information to be connected.
    * #define MAIN_WLAN_SSID "DEMO_AP"
    * #define MAIN_WLAN_PSK "12345678"
    * #define MAIN_WIFI_M2M_PRODUCT_NAME "NMCTemp"
    * #define MAIN_WIFI_M2M_SERVER_IP 0xFFFFFFFF // ""
    * #define MAIN_WIFI_M2M_SERVER_PORT (6666)
  2. Build the program and download it into the board.
  3. On the computer, open and configure a terminal application as the follows.
    * Baud Rate : 115200
    * Data : 8bit
    * Parity bit : none
    * Stop bit : 1bit
    * Flow control : none
  4. Start the application.
  5. In the terminal window, the following text should appear:
    * -- WINC3400 TCP client example --
    * -- Compiled: xxx xx xxxx xx:xx:xx --
    * m2m_wifi_state: M2M_WIFI_REQ_DHCP_CONF: IP is xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx
    * -# On the computer, run the tcp_server.py script to start server.
    * -# In the terminal window, the following text should appear:
    * socket_cb: connect success!
    * socket_cb: send success!
    * socket_cb: recv success!
    * TCP Client Test Complete!

Compilation Information

This software was written for the GNU GCC compiler using Atmel Studio 6.2 Other compilers are not guaranteed to work.

Contact Information

For further information, visit Microchip.