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SAM RTC Calendar (RTC CAL) Driver

This driver for Atmel® | SMART ARM®-based microcontrollers provides an interface for the configuration and management of the device's Real Time Clock functionality in Calendar operating mode, for the configuration and retrieval of the current time and date as maintained by the RTC module.

The following driver API modes are covered by this manual:

The following peripheral is used by this module:

The following devices can use this module:

The outline of this documentation is as follows:


There are no prerequisites for this module.

Module Overview

The RTC module in the SAM devices is a 32-bit counter, with a 10-bit programmable prescaler. Typically, the RTC clock is run continuously, including in the device's low-power sleep modes, to track the current time and date information. The RTC can be used as a source to wake up the system at a scheduled time or periodically using the alarm functions.

In this driver, the RTC is operated in Calendar mode. This allows for an easy integration of a real time clock and calendar into a user application to track the passing of time and/or perform scheduled tasks.

Whilst operating in Calendar mode, the RTC features:

Driver Feature Macro Definition

Driver Feature Macro Supported devices
The specific features are only available in the driver when the selected device supports those features.

Alarms and Overflow

The RTC has up to four independent hardware alarms that can be configured by the user application. These alarms will be triggered on match with the current clock value, and can be set up to trigger an interrupt, event, or both. The RTC can also be configured to clear the clock value on alarm match, resetting the clock to the original start time.

If the RTC is operated in clock-only mode (i.e. with calendar disabled), the RTC counter value will instead be cleared on overflow once the maximum count value has been reached:

\[ COUNT_{MAX} = 2^{32}-1 \]

When the RTC is operated with the calendar enabled and run using a nominal 1Hz input clock frequency, a register overflow will occur after 64 years.

Periodic Events

The RTC can generate events at periodic intervals, allowing for direct peripheral actions without CPU intervention. The periodic events can be generated on the upper eight bits of the RTC prescaler, and will be generated on the rising edge transition of the specified bit. The resulting periodic frequency can be calculated by the following formula:

\[ f_{PERIODIC}=\frac{f_{ASY}}{2^{n+3}} \]

Where \(f_{ASY}\) refers to the asynchronous clock set up in the RTC module configuration. For the RTC to operate correctly in calendar mode, this frequency must be 1KHz, while the RTC's internal prescaler should be set to divide by 1024. The n parameter is the event source generator index of the RTC module. If the asynchronous clock is operated at the recommended 1KHz, the formula results in the values shown in the table below.

RTC Event Frequencies for Each Prescaler Bit Using a 1KHz Clock
n Periodic event
7 1Hz
6 2Hz
5 4Hz
4 8Hz
3 16Hz
2 32Hz
1 64Hz
0 128Hz
The connection of events between modules requires the use of the SAM Event System Driver (EVENTS) to route output event of one module to the input event of another. For more information on event routing, refer to the event driver documentation.

Digital Frequency Correction

The RTC module contains Digital Frequency Correction logic to compensate for inaccurate source clock frequencies which would otherwise result in skewed time measurements. The correction scheme requires that at least two bits in the RTC module prescaler are reserved by the correction logic. As a result of this implementation, frequency correction is only available when the RTC is running from a 1Hz reference clock.

The correction procedure is implemented by subtracting or adding a single cycle from the RTC prescaler every 1024 RTC Generic Clock (GCLK) cycles. The adjustment is applied the specified number of time (maximum 127) over 976 of these periods. The corresponding correction in parts per million (PPM) will be given by:

\[ Correction(PPM) = \frac{VALUE}{999424}10^6 \]

The RTC clock will tick faster if provided with a positive correction value, and slower when given a negative correction value.

RTC Tamper Detect

See RTC Tamper Detect.

Special Considerations

Year Limit

The RTC module has a year range of 63 years from the starting year configured when the module is initialized. Dates outside the start to end year range described below will need software adjustment:

\[ [YEAR_{START}, YEAR_{START}+64] \]

Clock Setup

SAM D20/D21/R21/D10/D11/DA1/HA1 Clock Setup.

The RTC is typically clocked by a specialized GCLK generator that has a smaller prescaler than the others. By default the RTC clock is on, selected to use the internal 32KHz Resistor/Capacitor (RC)-oscillator with a prescaler of 32, giving a resulting clock frequency of 1024Hz to the RTC. When the internal RTC prescaler is set to 1024, this yields an end-frequency of 1Hz for correct time keeping operations.

The implementer also has the option to set other end-frequencies. The table below lists the available RTC frequencies for each possible GCLK and RTC input prescaler options.

RTC Output Frequencies from Allowable Input Clocks
End-frequency GCLK prescaler RTC prescaler
32KHz 1 1
1KHz 32 1
1Hz 32 1024

The overall RTC module clocking scheme is shown in the figure below.

For the calendar to operate correctly, an asynchronous clock of 1Hz should be used.

SAM L21/C20/C21/R30 Clock Setup

The RTC clock can be selected from OSC32K, XOSC32K, or OSCULP32K. A 32KHz or 1KHz oscillator clock frequency is required. This clock must be configured and enabled in the 32KHz oscillator controller before using the RTC.

asfdoc_sam0_rtc_calendar_rtc_clk lists the available RTC clock.

RTC Clocks Source
RTC clock frequency Clock source Description
1.024kHz ULP1K 1.024kHz from 32KHz internal ULP oscillator
32.768kHz ULP32K 32.768kHz from 32KHz internal ULP oscillator
1.024kHz OSC1K 1.024kHz from 32KHz internal oscillator
32.768kHz OSC32K 32.768kHz from 3KkHz internal oscillator
1.024kHz XOSC1K 1.024kHz from 32KHz internal oscillator
32.768kHz XOSC32K 32.768kHz from 32KHz external crystal oscillator
For the calendar to operate correctly, an asynchronous clock of 1Hz should be used.

Extra Information

For extra information, see Extra Information for RTC (CAL) Driver. This includes:


For a list of examples related to this driver, see Examples for RTC CAL Driver.

API Overview

Data Structures

struct  rtc_calendar_alarm_time
 Alarm structure. More...
struct  rtc_calendar_config
 RTC configuration structure. More...
struct  rtc_calendar_events
 RTC Calendar event enable/disable structure. More...
struct  rtc_calendar_time
 Time structure. More...


enum  rtc_calendar_alarm {
 Available alarm channels. More...
enum  rtc_calendar_alarm_mask {
 Available mask options for alarms. More...
enum  rtc_calendar_prescaler {
 RTC input clock prescaler settings. More...
 Define port features set according to different device family. More...

Configuration and Initialization

static void rtc_calendar_get_time_defaults (struct rtc_calendar_time *const time)
 Initialize a time structure. More...
static void rtc_calendar_get_config_defaults (struct rtc_calendar_config *const config)
 Gets the RTC default settings. More...
void rtc_calendar_reset (struct rtc_module *const module)
 Resets the RTC module. More...
void rtc_calendar_enable (struct rtc_module *const module)
 Enables the RTC module. More...
void rtc_calendar_disable (struct rtc_module *const module)
 Disables the RTC module. More...
void rtc_calendar_init (struct rtc_module *const module, Rtc *const hw, const struct rtc_calendar_config *const config)
 Initializes the RTC module with given configurations. More...
void rtc_calendar_swap_time_mode (struct rtc_module *const module)
 Swaps between 12h and 24h clock mode. More...
enum status_code rtc_calendar_frequency_correction (struct rtc_module *const module, const int8_t value)
 Calibrate for too-slow or too-fast oscillator. More...

Time and Alarm Management

uint32_t rtc_calendar_time_to_register_value (struct rtc_module *const module, const struct rtc_calendar_time *const time)
 Convert time structure to register_value. More...
void rtc_calendar_register_value_to_time (struct rtc_module *const module, const uint32_t register_value, struct rtc_calendar_time *const time)
 Convert register_value to time structure. More...
void rtc_calendar_set_time (struct rtc_module *const module, const struct rtc_calendar_time *const time)
 Set the current calendar time to desired time. More...
void rtc_calendar_get_time (struct rtc_module *const module, struct rtc_calendar_time *const time)
 Get the current calendar value. More...
enum status_code rtc_calendar_set_alarm (struct rtc_module *const module, const struct rtc_calendar_alarm_time *const alarm, const enum rtc_calendar_alarm alarm_index)
 Set the alarm time for the specified alarm. More...
enum status_code rtc_calendar_get_alarm (struct rtc_module *const module, struct rtc_calendar_alarm_time *const alarm, const enum rtc_calendar_alarm alarm_index)
 Get the current alarm time of specified alarm. More...

Status Flag Management

static bool rtc_calendar_is_overflow (struct rtc_module *const module)
 Check if an RTC overflow has occurred. More...
static void rtc_calendar_clear_overflow (struct rtc_module *const module)
 Clears the RTC overflow flag. More...
static bool rtc_calendar_is_alarm_match (struct rtc_module *const module, const enum rtc_calendar_alarm alarm_index)
 Check the RTC alarm flag. More...
static enum status_code rtc_calendar_clear_alarm_match (struct rtc_module *const module, const enum rtc_calendar_alarm alarm_index)
 Clears the RTC alarm match flag. More...

Event Management

static void rtc_calendar_enable_events (struct rtc_module *const module, struct rtc_calendar_events *const events)
 Enables an RTC event output. More...
static void rtc_calendar_disable_events (struct rtc_module *const module, struct rtc_calendar_events *const events)
 Disables an RTC event output. More...


Define port features set according to different device family.

RTC continuously updated.

Available alarm channels.

Available alarm channels.

Not all alarm channels are available on all devices.

Alarm channel 0.


Alarm channel 1.


Alarm channel 2.


Alarm channel 3.

Available mask options for alarms.

Available mask options for alarms.


Alarm disabled.


Alarm match on second.


Alarm match on second and minute.


Alarm match on second, minute, and hour.


Alarm match on second, minute, hour, and day.


Alarm match on second, minute, hour, day, and month.


Alarm match on second, minute, hour, day, month, and year.

RTC input clock prescaler settings.

The available input clock prescaler values for the RTC calendar module.


RTC input clock frequency is prescaled by a factor of 1.


RTC input clock frequency is prescaled by a factor of 2.


RTC input clock frequency is prescaled by a factor of 4.


RTC input clock frequency is prescaled by a factor of 8.


RTC input clock frequency is prescaled by a factor of 16.


RTC input clock frequency is prescaled by a factor of 32.


RTC input clock frequency is prescaled by a factor of 64.


RTC input clock frequency is prescaled by a factor of 128.


RTC input clock frequency is prescaled by a factor of 256.


RTC input clock frequency is prescaled by a factor of 512.


RTC input clock frequency is prescaled by a factor of 1024.

static enum status_code rtc_calendar_clear_alarm_match ( struct rtc_module *const  module,
const enum rtc_calendar_alarm  alarm_index 

Clears the RTC alarm match flag.

Clear the requested alarm match flag, so that future alarm matches can be determined.

[in,out]modulePointer to the software instance struct
[in]alarm_indexThe index of the alarm match to clear
Status of the alarm match clear operation.
Return values
STATUS_OKIf flag was cleared correctly
STATUS_ERR_INVALID_ARGIf invalid argument(s) were provided


static void rtc_calendar_clear_overflow ( struct rtc_module *const  module)

Clears the RTC overflow flag.

[in,out]modulePointer to the software instance struct

Clears the RTC module counter overflow flag, so that new overflow conditions can be detected.

References Assert.

void rtc_calendar_disable ( struct rtc_module *const  module)

Disables the RTC module.

Disables the RTC module.

[in,out]modulePointer to the software instance struct

References Assert, rtc_calendar_is_syncing(), system_interrupt_disable(), and SYSTEM_INTERRUPT_MODULE_RTC.

Referenced by rtc_calendar_reset(), and rtc_calendar_swap_time_mode().

static void rtc_calendar_disable_events ( struct rtc_module *const  module,
struct rtc_calendar_events *const  events 

Disables an RTC event output.

Disabled one or more output events from the RTC module. See rtc_calendar_events for a list of events this module supports.

Events cannot be altered while the module is enabled.
[in,out]modulePointer to the software instance struct
[in]eventsStruct containing flags of events to disable

References Assert, rtc_calendar_events::generate_event_on_alarm, rtc_calendar_events::generate_event_on_overflow, and rtc_calendar_events::generate_event_on_periodic.

void rtc_calendar_enable ( struct rtc_module *const  module)

Enables the RTC module.

Enables the RTC module once it has been configured, ready for use. Most module configuration parameters cannot be altered while the module is enabled.

[in,out]modulePointer to the software instance struct

References Assert, rtc_calendar_is_syncing(), system_interrupt_enable(), and SYSTEM_INTERRUPT_MODULE_RTC.

Referenced by rtc_calendar_swap_time_mode().

static void rtc_calendar_enable_events ( struct rtc_module *const  module,
struct rtc_calendar_events *const  events 

Enables an RTC event output.

Enables one or more output events from the RTC module. See rtc_calendar_events for a list of events this module supports.

Events cannot be altered while the module is enabled.
[in,out]modulePointer to the software instance struct
[in]eventsStruct containing flags of events to enable

References Assert, rtc_calendar_events::generate_event_on_alarm, rtc_calendar_events::generate_event_on_overflow, and rtc_calendar_events::generate_event_on_periodic.

enum status_code rtc_calendar_frequency_correction ( struct rtc_module *const  module,
const int8_t  value 

Calibrate for too-slow or too-fast oscillator.

When used, the RTC will compensate for an inaccurate oscillator. The RTC module will add or subtract cycles from the RTC prescaler to adjust the frequency in approximately 1 PPM steps. The provided correction value should be between -127 and 127, allowing for a maximum 127 PPM correction in either direction.

If no correction is needed, set value to zero.

Can only be used when the RTC is operated at 1Hz.
[in,out]modulePointer to the software instance struct
[in]valueBetween -127 and 127 used for the correction
Status of the calibration procedure.
Return values
STATUS_OKIf calibration was done correctly
STATUS_ERR_INVALID_ARGIf invalid argument(s) were provided

References Assert, rtc_calendar_is_syncing(), STATUS_ERR_INVALID_ARG, and STATUS_OK.

enum status_code rtc_calendar_get_alarm ( struct rtc_module *const  module,
struct rtc_calendar_alarm_time *const  alarm,
const enum rtc_calendar_alarm  alarm_index 

Get the current alarm time of specified alarm.

Retrieves the current alarm time for the alarm specified alarm.

[in,out]modulePointer to the software instance struct
[out]alarmPointer to the struct that will be filled with alarm time and mask of the specified alarm
[in]alarm_indexIndex of alarm to get alarm time from
Status of getting alarm.
Return values
STATUS_OKIf alarm was read correctly
STATUS_ERR_INVALID_ARGIf invalid argument(s) were provided

References Assert, rtc_calendar_alarm_time::mask, rtc_calendar_register_value_to_time(), STATUS_ERR_INVALID_ARG, STATUS_OK, and rtc_calendar_alarm_time::time.

Referenced by rtc_calendar_swap_time_mode().

static void rtc_calendar_get_config_defaults ( struct rtc_calendar_config *const  config)

Gets the RTC default settings.

Initializes the configuration structure to the known default values. This function should be called at the start of any RTC initiation.

The default configuration is as follows:

  • Input clock divided by a factor of 1024
  • Clear on alarm match off
  • Continuously sync clock off
  • 12 hour calendar
  • Start year 2000 (Year 0 in the counter will be year 2000)
  • Events off
  • Alarms set to January 1. 2000, 00:00:00
  • Alarm will match on second, minute, hour, day, month, and year
  • Clock read synchronization is enabled for SAM L22
[out]configConfiguration structure to be initialized to default values

References rtc_calendar_config::alarm, Assert, rtc_calendar_config::clear_on_match, rtc_calendar_config::clock_24h, rtc_calendar_config::continuously_update, rtc_calendar_config::enable_read_sync, rtc_calendar_alarm_time::mask, rtc_calendar_config::prescaler, RTC_CALENDAR_ALARM_MASK_YEAR, rtc_calendar_get_time_defaults(), RTC_CALENDAR_PRESCALER_DIV_1024, rtc_calendar_alarm_time::time, and rtc_calendar_config::year_init_value.

void rtc_calendar_get_time ( struct rtc_module *const  module,
struct rtc_calendar_time *const  time 

Get the current calendar value.

Retrieves the current time of the calendar.

[in,out]modulePointer to the software instance struct
[out]timePointer to value that will be filled with current time

References Assert, rtc_calendar_is_syncing(), and rtc_calendar_register_value_to_time().

Referenced by get_fattime(), and rtc_calendar_swap_time_mode().

static void rtc_calendar_get_time_defaults ( struct rtc_calendar_time *const  time)

Initialize a time structure.

This will initialize a given time structure to the time 00:00:00 (hh:mm:ss) and date 2000-01-01 (YYYY-MM-DD).

[out]timeTime structure to initialize

References rtc_calendar_time::day, rtc_calendar_time::hour, rtc_calendar_time::minute, rtc_calendar_time::month, rtc_calendar_time::pm, rtc_calendar_time::second, and rtc_calendar_time::year.

Referenced by rtc_calendar_get_config_defaults().

void rtc_calendar_init ( struct rtc_module *const  module,
Rtc *const  hw,
const struct rtc_calendar_config *const  config 

Initializes the RTC module with given configurations.

Initializes the module, setting up all given configurations to provide the desired functionality of the RTC.

[out]modulePointer to the software instance struct
[in]hwPointer to hardware instance
[in]configPointer to the configuration structure

References _rtc_calendar_set_config(), Assert, rtc_calendar_config::clock_24h, rtc_calendar_config::continuously_update, GCLK_GENERATOR_2, rtc_calendar_reset(), system_gclk_chan_config::source_generator, system_apb_clock_set_mask(), SYSTEM_CLOCK_APB_APBA, system_gclk_chan_enable(), system_gclk_chan_get_config_defaults(), system_gclk_chan_set_config(), and rtc_calendar_config::year_init_value.

static bool rtc_calendar_is_alarm_match ( struct rtc_module *const  module,
const enum rtc_calendar_alarm  alarm_index 

Check the RTC alarm flag.

Check if the specified alarm flag is set. The flag is set when there is a compare match between the alarm value and the clock.

[in,out]modulePointer to the software instance struct
[in]alarm_indexIndex of the alarm to check
Match status of the specified alarm.
Return values
trueIf the specified alarm has matched the current time
falseIf the specified alarm has not matched the current time

References Assert.

static bool rtc_calendar_is_overflow ( struct rtc_module *const  module)

Check if an RTC overflow has occurred.

Checks the overflow flag in the RTC. The flag is set when there is an overflow in the clock.

[in,out]modulePointer to the software instance struct
Overflow state of the RTC module.
Return values
trueIf the RTC count value has overflowed
falseIf the RTC count value has not overflowed

References Assert.

void rtc_calendar_register_value_to_time ( struct rtc_module *const  module,
const uint32_t  register_value,
struct rtc_calendar_time *const  time 

Convert register_value to time structure.

Retrieves the time structure convert by register_value.

[in,out]modulePointer to the software instance struct
[in]register_valueThe value stored in register
[out]timePointer to the time structure

References rtc_calendar_time::day, rtc_calendar_time::hour, rtc_calendar_time::minute, rtc_calendar_time::month, rtc_calendar_time::pm, rtc_calendar_time::second, and rtc_calendar_time::year.

Referenced by rtc_calendar_get_alarm(), and rtc_calendar_get_time().

void rtc_calendar_reset ( struct rtc_module *const  module)

Resets the RTC module.

Resets the RTC module to hardware defaults.

[in,out]modulePointer to the software instance struct

References Assert, rtc_calendar_disable(), and rtc_calendar_is_syncing().

Referenced by rtc_calendar_init().

enum status_code rtc_calendar_set_alarm ( struct rtc_module *const  module,
const struct rtc_calendar_alarm_time *const  alarm,
const enum rtc_calendar_alarm  alarm_index 

Set the alarm time for the specified alarm.

Sets the time and mask specified to the requested alarm.

[in,out]modulePointer to the software instance struct
[in]alarmThe alarm struct to set the alarm with
[in]alarm_indexThe index of the alarm to set
Status of setting alarm.
Return values
STATUS_OKIf alarm was set correctly
STATUS_ERR_INVALID_ARGIf invalid argument(s) were provided

References Assert, rtc_calendar_alarm_time::mask, rtc_calendar_is_syncing(), rtc_calendar_time_to_register_value(), STATUS_ERR_INVALID_ARG, STATUS_OK, and rtc_calendar_alarm_time::time.

Referenced by _rtc_calendar_set_config(), and rtc_calendar_swap_time_mode().

void rtc_calendar_set_time ( struct rtc_module *const  module,
const struct rtc_calendar_time *const  time 

Set the current calendar time to desired time.

Sets the time provided to the calendar.

[in,out]modulePointer to the software instance struct
[in]timeThe time to set in the calendar

References Assert, rtc_calendar_is_syncing(), and rtc_calendar_time_to_register_value().

Referenced by rtc_calendar_swap_time_mode().

void rtc_calendar_swap_time_mode ( struct rtc_module *const  module)

Swaps between 12h and 24h clock mode.

Swaps the current RTC time mode:

  • If currently in 12h mode, it will swap to 24h
  • If currently in 24h mode, it will swap to 12h
This will not change setting in user's configuration structure.
[in,out]modulePointer to the software instance struct

References Assert, rtc_calendar_time::hour, rtc_calendar_time::pm, rtc_calendar_disable(), rtc_calendar_enable(), rtc_calendar_get_alarm(), rtc_calendar_get_time(), rtc_calendar_set_alarm(), rtc_calendar_set_time(), and rtc_calendar_alarm_time::time.

uint32_t rtc_calendar_time_to_register_value ( struct rtc_module *const  module,
const struct rtc_calendar_time *const  time 

Convert time structure to register_value.

Retrieves register_value convert by the time structure.

[in,out]modulePointer to the software instance struct
[in]timePointer to the time structure
32-bit value.

References rtc_calendar_time::day, rtc_calendar_time::hour, rtc_calendar_time::minute, rtc_calendar_time::month, rtc_calendar_time::pm, rtc_calendar_time::second, and rtc_calendar_time::year.

Referenced by rtc_calendar_set_alarm(), and rtc_calendar_set_time().