Microchip® Advanced Software Framework

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Data Structures
Here are the data structures with brief descriptions:
oCgenclk_configHardware representation of a set of generic clock parameters
oCnand_flash_eccNAND Flash ECC layer is called by upper layer, it will call the raw layer to do write/read operations, and do ECC check to the write/read result, it then will feedback the ECC check result to the upper layer
oCnand_flash_rawThe raw NAND Flash layer drives hardware-specific Bus Read and Bus Write operations to communicate with the NAND Flash device
oCpdc_packetPDC data packet for transfer
oCpll_configHardware-specific representation of PLL configuration
oCs_interrupt_sourceDescribes a PIO interrupt source, including the PIO instance triggering the interrupt and the associated interrupt handler
oCsbc_caching_mode_pageSBC-2 Caching mode page
oCsbc_rdwr_error_recovery_mode_pageSBC-2 Read-Write Error Recovery mode page
oCsbc_read_capacity10_dataSBC-2 READ CAPACITY (10) parameter data
oCsbc_slba_block_descSBC-2 Short LBA mode parameter block descriptor
oCscsi_inquiry_dataSCSI Standard Inquiry data structure
oCscsi_mode_page_0_headerSCSI Page_0 Mode Page header (SPF not set)
oCscsi_mode_param_header10SCSI Mode Parameter Header used by MODE SELECT(10) and MODE SENSE(10)
oCscsi_mode_param_header6SCSI Mode Parameter Header used by MODE SELECT(6) and MODE SENSE(6)
oCscsi_request_sense_dataSCSI Standard Request sense data structure
oCsd_mmc_cardSD/MMC card information structure
oCspc_control_page_info_execptSPC-2 Informational exceptions control page See chapter 8.3.8
oCStructCPtrStructure of pointers to constant 64-, 32-, 16- and 8-bit unsigned integers
oCStructCVPtrStructure of pointers to constant volatile 64-, 32-, 16- and 8-bit unsigned integers
oCStructPtrStructure of pointers to 64-, 32-, 16- and 8-bit unsigned integers
oCStructVPtrStructure of pointers to volatile 64-, 32-, 16- and 8-bit unsigned integers
oCudc_config_speed_tConfiguration descriptor and UDI link for one USB speed
oCudc_config_tAll information about the USB Device
oCudc_desc_tStructure for USB Device Configuration Descriptor
oCudc_string_desc_tUSB device string descriptor Structure used to transfer ASCII strings to USB String descriptor structure
oCudd_ctrl_request_tGlobal variable to give and record information of the setup request management
oCudd_ep_job_tStructure definition about job registered on an endpoint
oCudi_api_tUDI API
oCudi_msc_desc_tInterface descriptor structure for MSC
oCUnion1616-bit union
oCUnion3232-bit union
oCUnion6464-bit union
oCUnionCPtrUnion of pointers to constant 64-, 32-, 16- and 8-bit unsigned integers
oCUnionCVPtrUnion of pointers to constant volatile 64-, 32-, 16- and 8-bit unsigned integers
oCUnionPtrUnion of pointers to 64-, 32-, 16- and 8-bit unsigned integers
oCUnionVPtrUnion of pointers to volatile 64-, 32-, 16- and 8-bit unsigned integers
oCusb_association_desc_tStandard USB Interface Association Descriptor structure
oCusb_conf_desc_tStandard USB configuration descriptor structure
oCusb_dev_bos_desc_tUSB Device BOS descriptor structure
oCusb_dev_capa_ext_desc_tUSB Device Capabilities - USB 2.0 Extension Descriptor structure
oCusb_dev_desc_tStandard USB device descriptor structure
oCusb_dev_lpm_desc_tUSB Device LPM Descriptor structure
oCusb_dev_qual_desc_tStandard USB device qualifier descriptor structure
oCusb_ep_desc_tStandard USB endpoint descriptor structure
oCusb_iad_desc_tStandard USB association descriptor structure
oCusb_iface_desc_tStandard USB interface descriptor structure
oCusb_setup_req_tA USB Device SETUP request
oCusb_str_desc_tA standard USB string descriptor structure