Human interface on SAM4L-EK:
This example shows how to implement a USB Device implementing Vendor Class on Atmel MCU with USB module.
The example uses a vendor class which implements a loopback on all endpoints types: control, interrupt, bulk and isochronous. After loading firmware, connect the board (EVKxx,Xplain,...) to the USB Host. A Host application developed on libusb library is provided with application note AVR4901.
- Note
- When the application is connected for the first time to the PC, the operating system will detect a new peripheral:
- This will open a new hardware installation wizard on Windows operating systems.
- Choose "No, not this time" to connect to Windows Update for this installation
- click "Next"
- When requested to search the INF file, browse the avr4901\ folder provided package of the AVR4901 application note.
- click "Next"
- LED0 blinks when USB host has checked and enabled Vendor interface
- LED0 is on when
- USB is in IDLE mode and Vendor interface is not enabled by Host
- loopback is running
About example
The example uses the following module groups:
- Basic modules: Startup, board, clock, interrupt, power management
- USB Device stack and vendor modules:
- Specific implementation:
- main.c,
initializes clock
initializes interrupt
manages UI
- specific implementation for each target "./examples/product_board/":
- conf_foo.h configuration of each module
- ui.c implement of user's interface (leds)