Microchip® Advanced Software Framework

Quick start guide for USB host vendor module (UHI vendor)

This is the quick start guide for the USB host vendor module (UHI vendor) with step-by-step instructions on how to configure and use the modules in a selection of use cases.

The use cases contain several code fragments. The code fragments in the steps for setup can be copied into a custom initialization function, while the steps for usage can be copied into, e.g., the main application function.

Basic use case

In this basic use case, the "USB Vendor (Single Class support)" module is used.

The "USB Vendor (Composite)" module usage is described in Advanced use cases.

Setup steps


Example code


Usage steps

Example code

Content of conf_usb_host.h:

#define UHI_VENDOR_CHANGE(dev, b_plug) my_callback_vendor_change(dev, b_plug)
extern void my_callback_vendor_change(uhc_device_t* dev, bool b_plug);
#include "uhi_vendor.h" // At the end of conf_usb_host.h file

Add to application C-file:

static bool my_flag_vendor_test_start = false;
void my_callback_vendor_change(uhc_device_t* dev, bool b_plug)
// USB Device Vendor connected
my_flag_vendor_test_start = b_plug;
static void my_callback_bulk_in_done (usb_add_t add,
usb_ep_t ep, uhd_trans_status_t status, iram_size_t nb_transfered)
if (status != UHD_TRANS_NOERROR) {
return; // Error during transfer
// Data received then restart test
my_flag_vendor_test_start = true;
#define MESSAGE "Hello bulk"
#define HELLO_SIZE 5
#define HELLO_BULK_SIZE 10
uint8_t my_out_buffer[MESSAGE_SIZE+1] = MESSAGE;
uint8_t my_in_buffer[MESSAGE_SIZE+1];
void my_task(void)
if (!my_flag_vendor_test_start) {
my_flag_vendor_test_start = false;
// Send data through control endpoint
uhi_vendor_control_out_run(my_out_buffer, HELLO_SIZE, NULL);
// Check if bulk endpoints are available
// Send data through bulk OUT endpoint
uhi_vendor_bulk_out_run(my_out_buffer, HELLO_BULK_SIZE, NULL);
// Receive data through bulk IN endpoint
uhi_vendor_bulk_in_run(my_in_buffer, sizeof(my_in_buffer),


  1. Ensure that conf_usb_host.h is available and contains the following configuration which is the USB host vendor configuration:
      It defines the list of UHI supported by USB host.
    • #define UHI_VENDOR_CHANGE(dev, b_plug) my_callback_vendor_change(dev, b_plug)
      extern bool my_callback_vendor_change(uhc_device_t* dev, bool b_plug);
      This callback is called when a USB device vendor is plugged or unplugged.
      It defines the list of devices supported by USB host (defined by VID and PID).
  2. The Vendor data transfert functions are described in UHI for Vendor Class.

Advanced use cases

  • uhc_use_case_1
  • uhc_use_case_2
  • uhc_use_case_3