Microchip® Advanced Software Framework

conf_test.h File Reference

Unit test configuration.

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Unit test configuration for AVR and SAM3/SAM4
 USART to redirect STDIO to. More...
#define CONF_TEST_BAUDRATE   115200
 Baudrate of USART. More...
 Character length (bits) of USART. More...
 Parity mode of USART. More...
 Stopbit configuration of USART. More...

#define CONF_TEST_BAUDRATE   115200

Baudrate of USART.

Baudrate setting : 115200.

Referenced by main().


Character length (bits) of USART.

Char setting : 8-bit character length (don't care for UART)

Referenced by main().


Parity mode of USART.

Parity setting : No parity check.

Referenced by main().


Stopbit configuration of USART.

Stopbit setting : No extra stopbit, i.e., use 1 (don't care for UART)

Referenced by main().


USART to redirect STDIO to.

USART Interface : Console UART.

Referenced by main().