Microchip® Advanced Software Framework

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oLicenseSubject to your compliance with these terms, you may use Microchip software and any derivatives exclusively with Microchip products
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oPrefaceThe Atmel® Software Framework (ASF) is a collection of free embedded software for Atmel microcontroller devices
oUSB Device Basic Setup
oUSB Device Advanced Use Cases
|oChange USB SpeedIn this use case, the USB device is used with different USB speeds
|oUse USB StringsIn this use case, the usual USB strings are added in the USB device
|oUse USB Remote Wakeup FeatureIn this use case, the USB remote wakeup feature is enabled
|oBus Power Application RecommendationsIn this use case, the USB device bus power feature is enabled
|\USB Dynamic Serial NumberIn this use case, the USB serial strings are dynamic
oQuick Start Guide for USB Device Generic Module (UDI Generic)This is the quick start guide for the USB Device Generic Module (UDI Generic) with step-by-step instructions on how to configure and use the modules in a selection of use cases
|\HID Generic in a Composite DeviceA USB Composite Device is a USB Device which uses more than one USB class
oConfiguration File Examples
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oQuick Start Guide for USB Device Keyboard Module (UDI Keyboard)This is the quick start guide for the USB Device Keyboard Module (UDI Keyboard) with step-by-step instructions on how to configure and use the modules in a selection of use cases
|\HID Keyboard in a Composite DeviceA USB Composite Device is a USB Device which uses more than one USB class
oConfiguration File Examples
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oQuick Start Guide for USB Device Mouse Module (UDI Mouse)This is the quick start guide for the USB Device Mouse Module (UDI Mouse) with step-by-step instructions on how to configure and use the modules in a selection of use cases
|\HID Mouse in a Composite DeviceA USB Composite Device is a USB Device which uses more than one USB class
oConfiguration File Examples
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oQuick Start Guide for USB Device Communication Class Device Module (UDI CDC)This is the quick start guide for the USB Device Interface CDC Module (UDI CDC) with step-by-step instructions on how to configure and use the modules in a selection of use cases
|\CDC in a Composite DeviceA USB Composite Device is a USB Device which uses more than one USB class
oConfiguration File Examples
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oQuick Start Guide for USB Device Mass Storage Module (UDI MSC)This is the quick start guide for the USB Device Interface MSC Module (UDI MSC) with step-by-step instructions on how to configure and use the modules in a selection of use cases
|\MSC in a Composite DeviceA USB Composite Device is a USB Device which uses more than one USB class
oConfiguration File Examples
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oQuick Start Guide for USB Device Vendor Module (UDI Vendor)This is the quick start guide for the USB Device Vendor Module (UDI Vendor) with step-by-step instructions on how to configure and use the modules in a selection of use cases
|\Vendor in a Composite DeviceA USB Composite Device is a USB Device, which uses more than one USB class
oConfiguration File Examples
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oUSB Host Basic Setup
oUSB Host Advanced Use Cases
|oEnable USB High Speed SupportIn this use case, the USB host is used to support USB high speed
|oMultiple Classes SupportIn this use case, the USB host is used to support several USB classes
|\Dual Roles SupportIn this use case, the USB host and USB device are enabled, it is the dual role
oQuick Start Guide for USB Host Communication Device Class Module (UHI CDC)This is the quick start guide for the USB Host Communication Device Class Module (UHI CDC) with step-by-step instructions on how to configure and use the modules in a selection of use cases
oConfiguration File Examples
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oQuick Start Guide for USB Host Mouse Module (UHI Mouse)This is the quick start guide for the USB Host Mouse Module (UHI Mouse) with step-by-step instructions on how to configure and use the modules in a selection of use cases
oConfiguration File Examples
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oQuick Start Guide for USB Host Mass-Storage Module (UHI MSC)This is the quick start guide for the USB Host Mass-Storage Module (UHI MSC) with step-by-step instructions on how to configure and use the modules in a selection of use cases
oConfiguration File Examples
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oQuick Start Guide for USB Host Vendor Module (UHI Vendor)This is the quick start guide for the USB Host Vendor Module (UHI Vendor) with step-by-step instructions on how to configure and use the modules in a selection of use cases
oConfiguration File Examples
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