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SAM Toolkit Demo Application


The SAM toolkit demo will help new users get familiar with Atmel's SAM family of microcontrollers. This demo application shows the basic usages of several SAM and 3rd party modules in the ASF.


This package can be used with SAM4S-EK/SAM4S-EK2.


This demo program presents the general features of the SAM-EK boards. The basic features involved include FreeRTOS, QTouch, FatFS, Nandflash, USB Mass Storage and LCD.


  1. Build the program and download it inside the evaluation board.
  2. Unzip the resource files in the resource directory, which is located at ./sam/applications/sam_toolkit_demo/resources/disk.
  3. Erase the nand flash through SAM-BA.
  4. Power OFF and ON the board with the USB cable always connected.
  5. A new Removable Disk should appear in the computer explorer.
  6. Copy the resource files to the root directory of this removable disk.
  7. When the copy operation is achieved, disconnect the USB cable, and Power OFF and ON the board. The root directory in the removable disk should be "/demo".
  8. On the computer, open and configure a terminal application (e.g. HyperTerminal on Microsoft Windows) with these settings:
    • 115200 bauds
    • 8 bits of data
    • No parity
    • 1 stop bit
    • No flow control
  9. Start the application.
  10. In the terminal window, the following text should appear (values depend on the board and chip used):
    -- SAM Toolkit Demo Example xxx --
    -- xxxxxx-xx
    -- Compiled: xxx xx xxxx xx:xx:xx --
  11. Pressing and release the icon buttons on the LCD. The corresponding window will show and display the result.