This example shows the different low power modes with several types of wake-up sources. And the consumption of the core in different power modes can be measured.
This package can be used with SAM4L boards.
The program will display a menu on console. It allows users to change the configuration and enter into a different power mode, and then measure the power consumption.
An amperemeter has to be plugged on the board instead of the VDDx jumper.
Note that for better consumption measurement:
- Run program out of flash without ICE connected.
- Build the program and download it to the board.
- Start the application.
- On the computer, open and configure a terminal application (e.g., HyperTerminal on Microsoft Windows) with these settings:
- 115200 bauds
- 8 bits of data
- No parity
- 1 stop bit
- No flow control
- Start the application.
- In the terminal window, the following text should appear:
-- Low Power Example xxx --
-- xxxxxx-xx
-- Compiled: xxx xx xxxx xx:xx:xx --
Menu: press a key to continue.
0 : Power Saving Mode 0
1 : Power Saving Mode 1
A : Active Mode
R : Retention Mode
W : Wait Mode
B : Backup Mode
Q : Quit test.
- Press one of the keys listed in the menu to perform the corresponding action.