Microchip® Advanced Software Framework

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Oscillator Management

This group contains functions and definitions related to configuring and enabling/disabling on-chip oscillators.

Internal RC-oscillators, external crystal oscillators and external clock generators are supported by this module. What all of these have in common is that they swing at a fixed, nominal frequency which is normally not adjustable.

Example: Enabling an oscillator

The following example demonstrates how to enable the external oscillator on XMEGA A and wait for it to be ready to use. The oscillator identifiers are platform-specific, so while the same procedure is used on all platforms, the parameter to osc_enable() will be different from device to device.


Board-specific Definitions

If external oscillators are used, the board code must provide the following definitions for each of those:


 Board-dependent value written to the MODE bitfield of PM_OSCCTRL(0) More...
#define OSC0_STARTUP_TIMEOUT   2560
 Number of slow clock cycles to wait for OSC0 to start. More...
 Board-dependent value written to the STARTUP bitfield of PM_OSCCTRL(0) More...
#define OSC32_STARTUP_VALUE   OSC32_STARTUP_131072


void osc_priv_disable_osc0 (void)
void osc_priv_disable_osc32 (void)
void osc_priv_disable_rc1m (void)
void osc_priv_disable_rc32k (void)
void osc_priv_disable_rc80m (void)
void osc_priv_disable_rcfast (void)
void osc_priv_enable_osc0 (void)
void osc_priv_enable_osc32 (void)
void osc_priv_enable_rc1m (void)
void osc_priv_enable_rc32k (void)
void osc_priv_enable_rc80m (void)
void osc_priv_enable_rcfast (void)

Oscillator Management

static void osc_wait_ready (uint8_t id)
 Wait until the oscillator identified by id is ready. More...
static void osc_enable (uint8_t id)
 Enable oscillator id. More...
static void osc_disable (uint8_t id)
 Disable oscillator id. More...
static bool osc_is_ready (uint8_t id)
 Determine whether oscillator id is ready. More...
static uint32_t osc_get_rate (uint8_t id)
 Return the frequency of oscillator id in Hz. More...

Oscillator identifiers

#define OSC_ID_OSC0   0
 External Oscillator 0. More...
#define OSC_ID_OSC32   1
 External 32 kHz oscillator. More...
#define OSC_ID_RC32K   2
 Internal 32 kHz RC oscillator. More...
#define OSC_ID_RC80M   3
 Internal 80 MHz RC oscillator. More...
#define OSC_ID_RCFAST   4
 Internal 4-8-12 MHz RCFAST oscillator. More...
#define OSC_ID_RC1M   5
 Internal 1 MHz RC oscillator. More...
#define OSC_ID_RCSYS   6
 Internal System RC oscillator. More...

OSC0 mode values

 External clock connected to XIN. More...
 Crystal connected to XIN/XOUT. More...

OSC32 mode values

 External clock connected to XIN32. More...
 Crystal connected to XIN32/XOUT32. More...
 Crystal connected to XIN32/XOUT32 in high current mode. More...

OSC0 startup values

 0 cycles More...
 64 cycles (560 us) More...
 128 cycles (1.1 ms) More...
 2048 cycles (18 ms) More...
 4096 cycles (36 ms) More...
 8192 cycles (71 ms) More...
 16384 cycles (143 ms) More...
 32768 cycles (285 ms) More...

OSC32 startup values

 0 cycles More...
 128 cycles (1.1 ms) More...
 8192 cycles (72.3 ms) More...
 16384 cycles (143 ms) More...
 65536 cycles (570 ms) More...
 131072 cycles (1.1 s) More...
 262144 cycles (2.3 s) More...
 524288 cycles (4.6 s) More...

RC oscillator frequency limits

The frequency of the internal RC oscillators may drift a bit as a result of temperature changes.

These definitions provide upper and lower limits which may be used to calculate upper and lower limits of timeouts, derived clock frequencies, etc.

#define OSC_RCSYS_NOMINAL_HZ   115000
 Nominal frequency of RCSYS in Hz. More...
#define OSC_RCSYS_MIN_HZ   100000
 Minimum frequency of RCSYS in Hz. More...
#define OSC_RCSYS_MAX_HZ   120000
 Maximum frequency of RCSYS in Hz. More...
#define OSC_RC32K_NOMINAL_HZ   32768
 Nominal frequency of RC32K in Hz. More...
#define OSC_RC32K_MIN_HZ   20000
 Minimum frequency of RC32K in Hz. More...
#define OSC_RC32K_MAX_HZ   44000
 Maximum frequency of RC32K in Hz. More...
#define OSC_RC80M_NOMINAL_HZ   80000000
 Nominal frequency of RC80M in Hz. More...
#define OSC_RCFAST4M_NOMINAL_HZ   4000000
 Nominal frequency of RCFAST4M in Hz. More...
#define OSC_RCFAST8M_NOMINAL_HZ   8000000
 Nominal frequency of RCFAST8M in Hz. More...
#define OSC_RCFAST12M_NOMINAL_HZ   12000000
 Nominal frequency of RCFAST12M in Hz. More...
#define OSC_RC1M_NOMINAL_HZ   1000000
 Nominal frequency of RC1M in Hz. More...


Referenced by osc_get_rate().


Board-dependent value written to the MODE bitfield of PM_OSCCTRL(0)

#define OSC0_STARTUP_TIMEOUT   2560

Number of slow clock cycles to wait for OSC0 to start.

This is the number of slow clock cycles corresponding to OSC0_STARTUP_VALUE with an additional 25% safety margin. If the oscillator isn't running when this timeout has expired, it is assumed to have failed to start.


Board-dependent value written to the STARTUP bitfield of PM_OSCCTRL(0)


External clock connected to XIN32.


Crystal connected to XIN32/XOUT32.


Crystal connected to XIN32/XOUT32 in high current mode.


0 cycles


128 cycles (1.1 ms)


131072 cycles (1.1 s)


16384 cycles (143 ms)


262144 cycles (2.3 s)


524288 cycles (4.6 s)


65536 cycles (570 ms)


8192 cycles (72.3 ms)

#define OSC32_STARTUP_VALUE   OSC32_STARTUP_131072
#define OSC_ID_OSC0   0
#define OSC_ID_OSC32   1
#define OSC_ID_RC1M   5

Internal 1 MHz RC oscillator.

Referenced by genclk_enable_source(), osc_disable(), osc_enable(), osc_get_rate(), osc_is_ready(), and sysclk_init().

#define OSC_ID_RC32K   2
#define OSC_ID_RC80M   3
#define OSC_ID_RCFAST   4

Internal 4-8-12 MHz RCFAST oscillator.

Referenced by genclk_enable_source(), osc_disable(), osc_enable(), osc_get_rate(), osc_is_ready(), and sysclk_init().

#define OSC_ID_RCSYS   6

Internal System RC oscillator.

Referenced by osc_disable(), osc_enable(), osc_get_rate(), and osc_is_ready().


External clock connected to XIN.


Crystal connected to XIN/XOUT.

#define OSC_RC1M_NOMINAL_HZ   1000000

Nominal frequency of RC1M in Hz.

Referenced by osc_get_rate(), and sysclk_get_main_hz().

#define OSC_RC32K_MAX_HZ   44000

Maximum frequency of RC32K in Hz.

#define OSC_RC32K_MIN_HZ   20000

Minimum frequency of RC32K in Hz.

#define OSC_RC32K_NOMINAL_HZ   32768

Nominal frequency of RC32K in Hz.

Referenced by dfll_priv_get_source_hz(), osc_get_rate(), and wdt_set_ctrl().

#define OSC_RC80M_NOMINAL_HZ   80000000

Nominal frequency of RC80M in Hz.

Referenced by dfll_priv_get_source_hz(), osc_get_rate(), and sysclk_get_main_hz().

#define OSC_RCFAST12M_NOMINAL_HZ   12000000

Nominal frequency of RCFAST12M in Hz.

Referenced by osc_get_rate(), and sysclk_get_main_hz().

#define OSC_RCFAST4M_NOMINAL_HZ   4000000

Nominal frequency of RCFAST4M in Hz.

Referenced by osc_get_rate(), and sysclk_get_main_hz().

#define OSC_RCFAST8M_NOMINAL_HZ   8000000

Nominal frequency of RCFAST8M in Hz.

Referenced by osc_get_rate(), and sysclk_get_main_hz().

#define OSC_RCSYS_MAX_HZ   120000

Maximum frequency of RCSYS in Hz.

#define OSC_RCSYS_MIN_HZ   100000

Minimum frequency of RCSYS in Hz.

#define OSC_RCSYS_NOMINAL_HZ   115000

Nominal frequency of RCSYS in Hz.

Referenced by dfll_priv_get_source_hz(), osc_get_rate(), sysclk_get_main_hz(), and wdt_set_ctrl().


0 cycles


128 cycles (1.1 ms)


16384 cycles (143 ms)


2048 cycles (18 ms)


32768 cycles (285 ms)


4096 cycles (36 ms)


64 cycles (560 us)


8192 cycles (71 ms)

void osc_enable ( uint8_t  id)
osc_is_ready ( uint8_t  id)

Determine whether oscillator id is ready.

Return values
trueOscillator id is running and ready to use as a clock source.
falseOscillator id is not running.


Referenced by dfll_enable_source(), genclk_enable_source(), main(), osc_wait_ready(), and pll_enable_source().

void osc_priv_disable_osc0 ( void  )

Referenced by osc_disable().

void osc_priv_disable_osc32 ( void  )

Referenced by osc_disable().

void osc_priv_disable_rc1m ( void  )

References cpu_irq_restore(), and cpu_irq_save().

Referenced by osc_disable().

void osc_priv_disable_rc32k ( void  )

References cpu_irq_restore(), and cpu_irq_save().

Referenced by osc_disable().

void osc_priv_disable_rc80m ( void  )

References cpu_irq_restore(), and cpu_irq_save().

Referenced by osc_disable().

void osc_priv_disable_rcfast ( void  )

References cpu_irq_restore(), and cpu_irq_save().

Referenced by osc_disable().

void osc_priv_enable_osc0 ( void  )

Referenced by osc_enable().

void osc_priv_enable_osc32 ( void  )

Referenced by osc_enable().

void osc_priv_enable_rc1m ( void  )

References cpu_irq_restore(), and cpu_irq_save().

Referenced by osc_enable().

void osc_priv_enable_rc32k ( void  )

References cpu_irq_restore(), and cpu_irq_save().

Referenced by osc_enable().

void osc_priv_enable_rc80m ( void  )

References cpu_irq_restore(), and cpu_irq_save().

Referenced by osc_enable().

void osc_priv_enable_rcfast ( void  )
static void osc_wait_ready ( uint8_t  id)

Wait until the oscillator identified by id is ready.

This function will busy-wait for the oscillator identified by id to become stable and ready to use as a clock source.

idA number identifying the oscillator to wait for.

References osc_is_ready().

Referenced by dfll_enable_source(), genclk_enable_source(), main(), pll_enable_source(), and sysclk_init().