Microchip® Advanced Software Framework

flashcalw.h File Reference

FlashCALW driver for SAM4L.

Copyright (c) 2012-2018 Microchip Technology Inc. and its subsidiaries.

#include <stddef.h>
#include <stdbool.h>
#include "compiler.h"


#define FLASH_FREQ_PS0_FWS_0_MAX_FREQ   (18000000UL)
 Maximum operating frequency when FWS is 0 in PS0 mode. More...
#define FLASH_FREQ_PS0_FWS_1_MAX_FREQ   (36000000UL)
 Maximum operating frequency when FWS is 1 in PS0 mode. More...
#define FLASH_FREQ_PS1_FWS_0_MAX_FREQ   (8000000UL)
 Maximum operating frequency when FWS is 0 in PS1 mode. More...
#define FLASH_FREQ_PS1_FWS_1_FWU_MAX_FREQ   (12000000UL)
 Maximum operating frequency when FWS is 1 in PS0 mode and the Fast wakeup is enabled. More...
#define FLASH_FREQ_PS1_FWS_1_MAX_FREQ   (12000000UL)
 Maximum operating frequency when FWS is 1 in PS1 mode. More...
#define FLASH_FREQ_PS2_FWS_0_MAX_FREQ   (24000000UL)
 Maximum operating frequency when FWS is 0 in PS2 mode. More...
#define FLASH_FREQ_PS2_FWS_1_MAX_FREQ   (48000000UL)
 Maximum operating frequency when FWS is 1 in PS2 mode. More...
#define FLASH_NB_OF_REGIONS   16
#define FLASH_PAGE_SIZE   512UL


Flash Properties
uint32_t flashcalw_get_flash_size (void)
 Gets the size of the whole flash array. More...
uint32_t flashcalw_get_page_count (void)
 Gets the total number of pages in the flash array. More...
uint32_t flashcalw_get_page_count_per_region (void)
 Gets the number of pages in each flash region. More...
uint32_t flashcalw_get_page_region (int32_t page_number)
 Gets the region number of a page. More...
uint32_t flashcalw_get_region_first_page_number (uint32_t region)
 Gets the number of the first page of a region. More...
FLASHCALW Command Control
uint32_t flashcalw_get_command (void)
 Gets the last issued FLASHCALW command. More...
uint32_t flashcalw_get_page_number (void)
 Gets the current FLASHCALW page number. More...
void flashcalw_issue_command (uint32_t command, int page_number)
 Issues a FLASHCALW command. More...
FLASHCALW Global Commands
void flashcalw_no_operation (void)
 Issues a No Operation command to the FLASHCALW. More...
void flashcalw_erase_all (void)
 Issues an Erase All command to the FLASHCALW. More...
FLASHCALW Protection Mechanisms
bool flashcalw_is_security_bit_active (void)
 Tells whether the Security bit is active. More...
void flashcalw_set_security_bit (void)
 Activates the Security bit. More...
bool flashcalw_is_page_region_locked (uint32_t page_number)
 Tells whether the region of a page is locked. More...
bool flashcalw_is_region_locked (uint32_t region)
 Tells whether a region is locked. More...
void flashcalw_lock_page_region (int page_number, bool lock)
 Locks or unlocks the region of a page. More...
void flashcalw_lock_region (uint32_t region, bool lock)
 Locks or unlocks a region. More...
void flashcalw_lock_all_regions (bool lock)
 Locks or unlocks all regions. More...
Access to General-Purpose Fuses
bool flashcalw_read_gp_fuse_bit (uint32_t gp_fuse_bit)
 Reads a general-purpose fuse bit. More...
uint64_t flashcalw_read_gp_fuse_bitfield (uint32_t pos, uint32_t width)
 Reads a general-purpose fuse bit-field. More...
uint8_t flashcalw_read_gp_fuse_byte (uint32_t gp_fuse_byte)
 Reads a general-purpose fuse byte. More...
uint64_t flashcalw_read_all_gp_fuses (void)
 Reads all general-purpose fuses. More...
bool flashcalw_erase_gp_fuse_bit (uint32_t gp_fuse_bit, bool check)
 Erases a general-purpose fuse bit. More...
bool flashcalw_erase_gp_fuse_bitfield (uint32_t pos, uint32_t width, bool check)
 Erases a general-purpose fuse bit-field. More...
bool flashcalw_erase_gp_fuse_byte (uint32_t gp_fuse_byte, bool check)
 Erases a general-purpose fuse byte. More...
bool flashcalw_erase_all_gp_fuses (bool check)
 Erases all general-purpose fuses. More...
void flashcalw_write_gp_fuse_bit (uint32_t gp_fuse_bit, bool value)
 Writes a general-purpose fuse bit. More...
void flashcalw_write_gp_fuse_bitfield (uint32_t pos, uint32_t width, uint64_t value)
 Writes a general-purpose fuse bit-field. More...
void flashcalw_write_gp_fuse_byte (uint32_t gp_fuse_byte, uint8_t value)
 Writes a general-purpose fuse byte. More...
void flashcalw_write_all_gp_fuses (uint64_t value)
 Writes all general-purpose fuses. More...
void flashcalw_set_gp_fuse_bit (uint32_t gp_fuse_bit, bool value)
 Sets a general-purpose fuse bit with the appropriate erase and write operations. More...
void flashcalw_set_gp_fuse_bitfield (uint32_t pos, uint32_t width, uint64_t value)
 Sets a general-purpose fuse bit-field with the appropriate erase and write operations. More...
void flashcalw_set_gp_fuse_byte (uint32_t gp_fuse_byte, uint8_t value)
 Sets a general-purpose fuse byte with the appropriate erase and write operations. More...
void flashcalw_set_all_gp_fuses (uint64_t value)
 Sets all general-purpose fuses with the appropriate erase and write operations. More...
PicoCache interfaces.
void flashcalw_picocache_enable (void)
 Enable PicoCache. More...
void flashcalw_picocache_disable (void)
 Disable PicoCache. More...
uint32_t flashcalw_picocache_get_status (void)
 Get PicoCache status. More...
void flashcalw_picocache_invalid_all (void)
 Invalid all PicoCache lines. More...
void flashcalw_picocache_invalid_line (uint32_t index)
 Invalid specific cache line. More...
void flashcalw_picocache_set_monitor_mode (uint32_t mode)
 Set PicoCache monitor mode. More...
void flashcalw_picocache_enable_monitor (void)
 Enable PicoCache monitor. More...
void flashcalw_picocache_disable_monitor (void)
 Disable PicoCache monitor. More...
void flashcalw_picocache_reset_monitor (void)
 Reset PicoCache monitor. More...
uint32_t flashcalw_picocache_get_monitor_cnt (void)
 Get PicoCache monitor count number. More...
uint32_t flashcalw_picocache_get_version (void)
 Get PicoCache version. More...


#define flash_set_bus_freq(cpu_f_hz, ps_value, is_fwu_enabled)   flashcalw_set_flash_waitstate_and_readmode(cpu_f_hz, ps_value, is_fwu_enabled)
 Alias on the flashcalw_set_flash_waitstate_and_readmode() function. More...
uint32_t flashcalw_get_wait_state (void)
 Gets the number of wait states of flash read accesses. More...
void flashcalw_set_wait_state (uint32_t wait_state)
 Sets the number of wait states of flash read accesses. More...
void flashcalw_set_flash_waitstate_and_readmode (uint32_t cpu_f_hz, uint32_t ps_value, bool is_fwu_enabled)
 Depending on the CPU frequency, on the Power Scaling mode and on the Fast Wakeup mode, set the wait states of flash read accesses and enable or disable the High speed read mode. More...
bool flashcalw_is_ready_int_enabled (void)
 Tells whether the Flash Ready interrupt is enabled. More...
void flashcalw_enable_ready_int (bool enable)
 Enables or disables the Flash Ready interrupt. More...
bool flashcalw_is_lock_error_int_enabled (void)
 Tells whether the Lock Error interrupt is enabled. More...
void flashcalw_enable_lock_error_int (bool enable)
 Enables or disables the Lock Error interrupt. More...
bool flashcalw_is_prog_error_int_enabled (void)
 Tells whether the Programming Error interrupt is enabled. More...
void flashcalw_enable_prog_error_int (bool enable)
 Enables or disables the Programming Error interrupt. More...


void(*volatile flashcalw_wait_until_ready )(void)
 Pointer to the function used by the driver when it needs to wait until the FLASHCALW is ready to run a new command. More...
bool flashcalw_is_ready (void)
 Tells whether the FLASHCALW is ready to run a new command. More...
void flashcalw_default_wait_until_ready (void)
 Waits actively until the FLASHCALW is ready to run a new command. More...
bool flashcalw_is_lock_error (void)
 Tells whether a Lock Error has occurred during the last function called that issued one or more FLASHCALW commands. More...
bool flashcalw_is_programming_error (void)
 Tells whether a Programming Error has occurred during the last function called that issued one or more FLASHCALW commands. More...

Access to Flash Pages

#define flashcalw_memset(dst, src, src_width, nbytes, erase)   TPASTE2(flashcalw_memset, src_width) ((dst), (src), (nbytes), (erase))
 Copies nbytes bytes to the flash destination pointed to by dst from the repeated src big-endian source pattern. More...
void flashcalw_clear_page_buffer (void)
 Clears the page buffer. More...
bool flashcalw_is_page_erased (void)
 Tells whether the page to which the last Quick Page Read or Quick Page Read User Page command was applied was erased. More...
bool flashcalw_quick_page_read (int page_number)
 Applies the Quick Page Read command to a page. More...
bool flashcalw_erase_page (int page_number, bool check)
 Erases a page. More...
bool flashcalw_erase_all_pages (bool check)
 Erases all pages within the flash array. More...
void flashcalw_write_page (int page_number)
 Writes a page from the page buffer. More...
bool flashcalw_quick_user_page_read (void)
 Issues a Quick Page Read User Page command to the FLASHCALW. More...
bool flashcalw_erase_user_page (bool check)
 Erases the User page. More...
void flashcalw_write_user_page (void)
 Writes the User page from the page buffer. More...
volatile void * flashcalw_memset8 (volatile void *dst, uint8_t src, size_t nbytes, bool erase)
 Copies nbytes bytes to the flash destination pointed to by dst from the repeated src source byte. More...
volatile void * flashcalw_memset16 (volatile void *dst, uint16_t src, size_t nbytes, bool erase)
 Copies nbytes bytes to the flash destination pointed to by dst from the repeated src big-endian source half-word. More...
volatile void * flashcalw_memset32 (volatile void *dst, uint32_t src, size_t nbytes, bool erase)
 Copies nbytes bytes to the flash destination pointed to by dst from the repeated src big-endian source word. More...
volatile void * flashcalw_memset64 (volatile void *dst, uint64_t src, size_t nbytes, bool erase)
 Copies nbytes bytes to the flash destination pointed to by dst from the repeated src big-endian source double-word. More...
volatile void * flashcalw_memcpy (volatile void *dst, const void *src, size_t nbytes, bool erase)
 Copies nbytes bytes to the flash destination pointed to by dst from the source pointed to by src. More...

#define FLASH_FREQ_PS0_FWS_0_MAX_FREQ   (18000000UL)

Maximum operating frequency when FWS is 0 in PS0 mode.

Referenced by flashcalw_set_flash_waitstate_and_readmode().

#define FLASH_FREQ_PS0_FWS_1_MAX_FREQ   (36000000UL)

Maximum operating frequency when FWS is 1 in PS0 mode.

Referenced by flashcalw_set_flash_waitstate_and_readmode().

#define FLASH_FREQ_PS1_FWS_0_MAX_FREQ   (8000000UL)

Maximum operating frequency when FWS is 0 in PS1 mode.

Referenced by flashcalw_set_flash_waitstate_and_readmode(), and sysclk_init().

#define FLASH_FREQ_PS1_FWS_1_FWU_MAX_FREQ   (12000000UL)

Maximum operating frequency when FWS is 1 in PS0 mode and the Fast wakeup is enabled.

Referenced by flashcalw_set_flash_waitstate_and_readmode().

#define FLASH_FREQ_PS1_FWS_1_MAX_FREQ   (12000000UL)

Maximum operating frequency when FWS is 1 in PS1 mode.

Referenced by sysclk_init().

#define FLASH_FREQ_PS2_FWS_0_MAX_FREQ   (24000000UL)

Maximum operating frequency when FWS is 0 in PS2 mode.

Referenced by flashcalw_set_flash_waitstate_and_readmode().

#define FLASH_FREQ_PS2_FWS_1_MAX_FREQ   (48000000UL)

Maximum operating frequency when FWS is 1 in PS2 mode.

#define FLASH_NB_OF_REGIONS   16
#define flash_set_bus_freq (   cpu_f_hz,
)    flashcalw_set_flash_waitstate_and_readmode(cpu_f_hz, ps_value, is_fwu_enabled)

Alias on the flashcalw_set_flash_waitstate_and_readmode() function.

cpu_f_hzThe CPU frequency
ps_value(boolean), Power Scaling mode
is_fwu_enabled(boolean), Fast wakeup mode

Referenced by sysclk_init().

#define flashcalw_memset (   dst,
)    TPASTE2(flashcalw_memset, src_width) ((dst), (src), (nbytes), (erase))

Copies nbytes bytes to the flash destination pointed to by dst from the repeated src big-endian source pattern.

All pointer and size alignments are supported.

dstPointer to flash destination.
srcSource double-word.
src_widthsrc width in bits: 8, 16, 32 or 64.
nbytesNumber of bytes to set.
eraseWhether to erase before writing: true or false.
The value of dst.
This function may be called with erase set to false only if the destination consists only of erased words, i.e. this function can not be used to write only one bit of a previously written word. E.g., if 0x00000001 then 0xFFFFFFFE are written to a word, the resulting value in flash may be different from 0x00000000.
A Lock Error is issued if the command is applied to pages belonging to a locked region or to the bootloader protected area.
The FLASHCALW error status returned by flashcalw_is_lock_error and flashcalw_is_programming_error is updated.

Referenced by run_flashcalw_page_access_test().