This is the documentation for the data structures, functions, variables, defines, enums, and typedefs for the PICOUART driver. It also comes bundled with an application-example of usage.
This example demonstrates how to use the PICOUART driver with the 32 KHz oscillator crystal. And it requires a board monitor firmware version V1.3 or greater.
Operating mode: It uses the USART driver to display menu. And let the user select the wake up mode. Then make the system to lower power mode and wait for the wakeup signal. You can use the board monitor or use another device to send the character to the PICOUART RXD pin to wakeup the system. You also can just use the push button to wakeup the system.
This software is written for GNU GCC and IAR Embedded Workbench for Atmel. Other compilers may or may not work.
All SAM devices with a PICOUART and a USART module can be used.
This example has been tested with the following configuration:
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