This is the documentation of software library implementation of AES-128 (FIPS -197)and its five confidentiality modes (FIPS SP800-38A) as per FIPS standard. This also give demonstration example implementing the five modes.
In this example, for a given 64 block of input plain text, AES encryption is performed. The Decryption is performed on the resulting cipher text. The resulting plain text should be same as that of the input plain text. This confirms the working of each mode.
The corresponding application note mentioned below should be referred for the detailed documentation about software library implementation and AES mode description. Application Note: Software library for AES-128 Encryption and Decryption
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This example has been tested on SAM D21 Xplained Pro board. As the AES software library is platform independent, the implementation can be adopted for any device.
The SAM D21 Xplained Pro board is connected to PC via EBDG port. Terminal window with EDBG Virtual COM port should be opened with setting 115200 baud rate, No parity and 1 stop bit with hardware flow control None. Once the firmware is programmed, the input plain text message and message after decrypting is printed. Both the message should be same if the encryption and decryption of all modes are executed properly.
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