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SAM-BA Bootloader Application


The example will help new users get familiar with Atmel's SAM0 family microcontrollers bootloader for SAM-BA. This basic application will be used when connecting with SAM-BA.


This package can be used with SAM C21/D21/DA1/L21/L22/R21 xplained pro.


The bootloader code will be located at 0x0 and executed before any applicative code. Applications compiled to be executed along with the bootloader will start at 0x2000 (not support USBCDC interface) or 0x6000 (supoort USBCDC interface). Before jumping to the application, the bootloader changes the VTOR register to use the interrupt vectors of the application.


  1. Build the program and download it inside the evaluation board.
  2. Start the application.
  3. Pressing button SW0 the board will enter SAM-BA monitor mode.