Microchip® Advanced Software Framework

Quick Start Guide for the mono font service

This is the quick start guide for the GFX Mono Font Library with step-by-step instructions on how to configure and use it for a specific use case.

Basic usage of the graphics service

This use case will demonstrate initializing the mono graphics service and then draw a "Hello world!" sting on the display.


In order to use this quick start, the following dependencies are needed:

Usage steps

Example code

Add to, e.g., the main function in the application C-file:

gfx_mono_draw_string("Hello world!",0, 0, &sysfont);
while (1) {


  1. Initialize system:
  2. Initialize monochrome graphics service
    • Note
      This will call the init function for the low level display controller driver and intialize the screen to a cleared background.
  3. Draw a string on the screen starting at pixel (0,0)