Microchip® Advanced Software Framework

Quick Start Guide for the Emulated RWW EEPROM Module - Basic Use Case

In this use case, the RWW EEPROM emulator module is configured, and a sample page is read and written.

The first byte of the first RWW EEPROM page is toggled, and a LED is turned ON or OFF to reflect the new state. Each time the device is reset, the LED should toggle to a different state to indicate correct non-volatile storage and retrieval.



There are no special setup requirements for this use-case.


Copy-paste the following setup code to your user application:

void configure_eeprom(void)
/* Setup EEPROM emulator service */
if (error_code == STATUS_ERR_NO_MEMORY) {
while (true) {
/* No EEPROM section has been set in the device's fuses */
else if (error_code != STATUS_OK) {
/* Erase the emulated EEPROM memory (assume it is unformatted or
* irrecoverably corrupt) */
#if (SAMD21) || (SAMDA1)
void SYSCTRL_Handler(void)
static void configure_bod(void)
#if (SAMD21) || (SAMDA1)
struct bod_config config_bod33;
config_bod33.action = BOD_ACTION_INTERRUPT;
/* BOD33 threshold level is about 3.2V */
config_bod33.level = 48;
bod_set_config(BOD_BOD33, &config_bod33);

Add to user application initialization (typically the start of main()):



  1. Attempt to initialize the RWW EEPROM emulator service, storing the error code from the initialization function into a temporary variable.
  2. Check if the emulator service failed to initialize for any other reason; if so, assume the emulator physical memory is unformatted or corrupt and erase/re-try initialization.
    else if (error_code != STATUS_OK) {
    /* Erase the emulated EEPROM memory (assume it is unformatted or
    * irrecoverably corrupt) */
    Config BOD to give an early warning to prevent data loss.

Use Case


Copy-paste the following code to your user application:

uint8_t page_data[RWW_EEPROM_PAGE_SIZE];
page_data[0] = !page_data[0];
while (true) {


  1. Create a buffer to hold a single emulated RWW EEPROM page of memory, and read out logical RWW EEPROM page zero into it.
    uint8_t page_data[RWW_EEPROM_PAGE_SIZE];
  2. Toggle the first byte of the read page.
    page_data[0] = !page_data[0];
  3. Output the toggled LED state onto the board LED.
  4. Write the modified page back to logical RWW EEPROM page zero, flushing the internal emulator write cache afterwards to ensure it is immediately written to physical non-volatile memory.
  5. Modify data and write back to logical EEPROM page zero. The data is not committed and should call rww_eeprom_emulator_commit_page_buffer to ensure that any outstanding cache data is fully written to prevent data loss when detecting a BOD early warning.