Microchip® Advanced Software Framework

Advanced use case - Interrupt driven edge detection

Advanced use case - Interrupt driven edge detection

This section will present a more advanced use case for the PIO driver. This use case will configure pin 23 on port A as output and pin 16 as an input with pullup, and then toggle the output pin's value to match that of the input pin using the interrupt controller within the device.


  • Power Management Controller driver

Initialization code

Add to the application initialization code:

pio_set_output(PIOA, PIO_PA23, LOW, DISABLE, ENABLE);
pio_set_input(PIOA, PIO_PA16, PIO_PULLUP);
pio_handler_set(PIOA, ID_PIOA, PIO_PA16, PIO_IT_EDGE, pin_edge_handler);
pio_enable_interrupt(PIOA, PIO_PA16);


  1. Enable the module clock to the PIOA peripheral:
  2. Set pin 23 direction on PIOA as output, default low level:
    pio_set_output(PIOA, PIO_PA23, LOW, DISABLE, ENABLE);
  3. Set pin 16 direction on PIOA as input, with pullup:
    pio_set_input(PIOA, PIO_PA16, PIO_PULLUP);
  4. Configure the input pin 16 interrupt mode and handler:
    pio_handler_set(PIOA, ID_PIOA, PIO_PA16, PIO_IT_EDGE, pin_edge_handler);
  5. Enable the interrupt for the configured input pin:
    pio_enable_interrupt(PIOA, PIO_PA16);
  6. Enable interrupt handling from the PIOA module:

Example code

Add the following function to your application:

void pin_edge_handler(const uint32_t id, const uint32_t index)
if ((id == ID_PIOA) && (index == PIO_PA16)){
if (pio_get(PIOA, PIO_TYPE_PIO_INPUT, PIO_PA16))
pio_clear(PIOA, PIO_PA23);
pio_set(PIOA, PIO_PA23);


  1. We check the value of the pin:
    if (pio_get(PIOA, PIO_TYPE_PIO_INPUT, PIO_PA16))
  2. Then we set the new output value based on the read pin value:
    pio_clear(PIOA, PIO_PA23);
    pio_set(PIOA, PIO_PA23);