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SAM4S Documentation


This documentation has been automatically generated, and documents the source code found in the Microchip Advanced Software Framework (ASF).


ACC - Analog Comparator Controller
Accelerometer MMA7341L
ADC - Analog-to-digital Converter
AT25DFx SerialFlash
Atmel QTouch Library for QTouch Method in SAM devices
AVR2025 - IEEE 802.15.4 MAC Stack v3.1.1
AVR2025 - TAL
AVR2025 - TFA
AVR2025-MAC Serial Interface Module
AVR2130 - LW MESH v1.2.1
BLE-Event Manager
CAN - SN65HVD234 Transceiver
CHIPID - Chip Identifier
CRCCU - Cyclic Redundancy Check Calculation Unit
DACC - Digital-to-Analog Converter
Delay routines
Display - AAT31XX Backlight Controller
Display - ADS7843 Touch Controller
Display - Generic Resistive Touch Service
Display - HX8347A LCD Controller
Display - ILI9225 LCD Controller
Display - ILI9325 LCD Controller
Display - ILI93xx LCD Controller
EEFC - Enhanced Embedded Flash Controller
FatFS file system
FIFO - First-In-First-Out circular buffer
Flash - SAM Flash Service API
FreeRTOS - PDC Interface Layer
FreeRTOS - SPI Interface Layer
FreeRTOS - TWI Interface Layer
FreeRTOS - UART Interface Layer
FreeRTOS - USART Interface Layer
Generic board support
GFX Color - System Font
GPBR - General Purpose Backup Register
GPIO - General purpose Input/Output
Graphical Widget Library Toolkit
High Speed Multimedia Card Interface
Interrupt management - SAM implementation
IOPORT - General purpose I/O service
LCD - ILI9341 Display Controller
MATRIX - Bus Matrix
maXTouch - mXT143E Controller
MCP980X Temperature Sensor
MEMBAG Memory Bag Allocator
Memory Control Access Interface
NAND Flash on EBI
NVM - Non volatile memory access
OV7740 CMOS image sensor
PDC - Peripheral DMA Controller Example
Performance Analyzer Application
Performance Analyzer Application for AT86RF215
Physical Abstraction Layer (PAL) interface - ATPL230 and PRIME MAC 1.3
PIO - Parallel Input/Output Controller
PLC Buffered PDC Uart Service Interface
PLC Buffered PDC Usart Service Interface
PLC PHY Serial Interface Module
PLC PHY Sniffer Interface Module
PLC Physical Layer Interface
PLC PRIME CRC calculation service
PLC Universal Serial Interface
PMC - Power Management Controller
PRIME Embedded Sniffer Serial Interface Module
PRIME IEC 61334-4-32 Convergence Layer
PRIME IEC 61334-4-32 Convergence Layer Serial Interface Module
PRIME MAC Layer Serial Interface Module
PRIME MLME Serial Interface Module
PRIME Operative System Support (OSS)
PRIME PLME Serial Interface Module
Proxy Power Line Communication (PLC) Controller Interface - ATPL230 implementation
PWM - Pulse Width Modulation
QTouch Sensor with I2C interface
RE200B PIR sensor
RSTC - Reset Controller
RTC - Real Time Clock
RTT - Real Time Timer
SD/MMC stack on SPI interface
Serial I/O - Host using UART
Serial I/O - Host using USB
Serial I/O - NCP Using UART
Sleep manager - SAM implementation
Smart Card - ISO7816 smart card using GPIO
SMC - Static Memory Controller
SPI - Common Standard SPI
SPI - Serial Peripheral Interface
SSC - Synchronous Serial Controller
SSD1306 OLED controller
Standard serial I/O (stdio) - SAM implementation
SUPC - Supply Controller
System Clock Control - SAM4S implementation
TC - Timer Counter
TWI - Two-wire Interface
TWI - Two-Wire Interface - SAM implementation
UART - Univ. Async Rec/Trans
Unit test framework - SAM implementation
USART - Serial interface - SAM implementation for devices with both UART and USART
USART - Univ. Syn Async Rec/Trans
USB Composite Device
USB Device CDC
USB Device CDC Standard I/O (stdio)
USB Device HID generic
USB Device HID keyboard
USB Device HID mouse
USB Device HID multi-touch
USB Device Mass Storage Class
USB Device Vendor Class
UTF-8 support - SAM implementation
Virtual Memory in RAM
WDT - Watchdog Timer
WINC1500 (Wi-Fi) Host Driver v19.7.3 - SAM4S implementation
WINC3400 (Wi-Fi) Host Driver v1.2.0 - SAM4S implementation


Unless otherwise noted, the applicable license is found here.

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For further information, visit Microchip Support.