Microchip® Advanced Software Framework

serial_if_plme.c File Reference

PRIME Serial Interface for PLME.

Copyright (c) 2014-2018 Microchip Technology Inc. and its subsidiaries.

#include <string.h>
#include "compiler.h"
#include "serial_if_plme.h"
#include <mngl.h>
#include <prime.h>
#include <usi.h>


static int _serial_if_plme_pack_plme_callback (uint8_t *puc_plme_command, int l_len)
 Packets a PLME Callback to avoid misaligments. More...
static int _serial_if_plme_unpack_get_req (void)
 This function extracts the PLME SAP Get.Request. More...
static int _serial_if_plme_unpack_set_req (void)
 This function extracts the PLME SAP Set.Request. More...
static int _serial_if_plme_unpack_testmode_req (void)
 This function extracts the PLME SAP Testmode.Request. More...
uint8_t serial_if_plme_api_parser (uint8_t *puc_rx_msg, uint16_t us_len)
 Received message. More...
int8_t serial_if_plme_process (void)
 Function to encapsulate PLME Tx Control Process. More...


static uint8_t commandPlmeToPack [PRIME_PLME_DATA_SIZE]
static uint8_t NewPlmeCallBackCmd [PRIME_PLME_DATA_SIZE]
static uint8_t * puc_rx